Randy x reader (Tutor)

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I know I have neglected this book for so long (I've done that with a lot of my books, I swear there's 50-60 books) but I'll try to get back on this one again. Here are the request(s?) that I forgot, I'm putting it/them right here so you guys can hold me against it-
Clamantha x reader
Okay... here we go!

*Warning: it's about 1,000-1,100 words long and I didn't reread through it... I'm sorry*

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Today is another boring day in school, despite me being a straight A student... I hate going to class, but I do the work so I won't get in trouble. Only a few more minutes of taking notes and I'm home free! "Okay kids, here's your homework." 'Okay, I forgot about that' I think and silently sigh as Mr Baldwin passes out all of the papers. That's when the bell rings, so as everyone goes out I start walking with Bea as we walk and talk. "Wait, (Y/n)... can I speak with you for a minute??" Mr Baldwin asks, so I sigh and put on a smile.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Bea, call me!" I say and walk back into class, Mr Baldwin just interlocks his fingers while looking at me. Before anything could be said between us Randy Pincherson walks in "hey Mr Baldwin. Did you find me a tutor yet??" He asks as he sits on one of the desks, Baldwin sighs at this. "I told you to wait outside of the room, and I was just getting to that" Mr Baldwin says annoyed. My eyes widen "wait, what?!" I ask shocked "no, I can't! Mr Baldwin, you know I hate the work! And I can't teach."

He sighs and nods his head saying "I know, but (Y/n), everyone else refuses to tutor Randy for..." we both look at Randy as he's not paying attention. Randy's literally just snapping random pencils that layed around that kids have forgotten. "Obvious reasons, so you're his last hope before he fails my class" Mr Baldwin finished. Randy heard that and asks "wait, I'm almost failing the class??" I facepalm and say "okay, I'll do my best." Mr Baldwin smiles as Randy laughs saying "I'll see you later" and he starts walking out.

Mr Baldwin looks at me with sympathy saying "good luck... there's a test tomorrow" my eyes widen as I just shake my head and put on a innocent smiling face. Walking out I see Randy walking towards the front doors, so I catch up with him easily. "Okay, so I was thinking-" "okay, I will say this right now... no one refused to work with me, I refused to work with them." Randy's words confused me as I kept at the same pace with him "what?" I ask when we reach the park. He sat down on a bench as he says "I knew that eventually that Baldwin would get to you, so I wanted to work with ya.. call it a random gut feeling, if you want."

Rolling my eyes I make him look me in the eyes as I say "Randy, this is serious, there's a test tomorrow, and you're close to failing Baldwin's class." Randy sighs and says "why do you think I chose to work with you?? You're the only one that understands me." Sighing I say "okay, let's go to my tank, keep up... if you can, precious little money boy has soft feet." I start walking towards my tank, but I hear Randy keeping up with me as he complains under his breath. Smirking I realize what he meant when he said I "understand him" I just know how to get him to do stuff.

We reach my tank and easily walk towards my room, my parents mostly hang out with my uncle in his tank, so I'm home alone a lot. Sitting down on the floor I try to remember what tomorrow's test is about. Randy realized that we're at my tank instead of his, since he doesn't like being in "broke people" tanks. He narrows his eyes at me saying "you tricked me" I innocently shrug my shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about" I say faking my innocence, but he rolls his eyes.

Laughing a little I finally remember what we're doing and set my notes from this week and a bit of last week on the floor. Putting everything else back I see that Randy has my notes in his claws "oh my gosh, I'm gonna fail." Rolling my eyes I set the paper down and say "not if you have little things to gain as you learn." Randy furrows his eyebrows in confusion asking "wait, what now??.." Sighing I grab out fries. "Ooo fries, gimme!" Randy says excited and reaches out for them, I dodge his claw with a smirk "let the learning.. begin."

-two hours later-

"(Y/n), I'm telling you - this is hopeless!.. plus, the fries got cold" Randy complains and throws a ten dollar bill at me again. Groaning I say "Randy, you can't just throw money at things you can't understand! I told you ten times already." Randy just rolls the pencil under his claw mumbling "does that mean I got told off five times through each hour?" My eyes widen. "Seriously, you can't do any math equation, but that you can do?" I ask and gesture to him. Randy realized what he did and gasped while shaking my shoulders "(L/n), it's working!" He says happily.

Smiling softly I say "does that mean you finally remember the area of a triangle??" When I asked that he put the tip of his claw to his chin. Somehow snapping his so called "fingers" he says "A equals 1 over 2 mutliplied by the base and height." Smiling big I say "yes!" Randy laughed while clapping his claws a bit while repeating "I'm Randy Pincherson. And I just learned math!" We laugh and finally lay on our backs as we just lay here. His claw close to my fin, but he says "after hours of work... we finally did it" I shake my head "no, you did it, Randy."

Randy sits up while looking down at me, so I tilt my head as I put my fins behind my head, but he says "I-I've been thinking. Bea doesn't really like me all that much, and.. you can actually get along with me without yelling. Not many people can tolerate me all that much... but I actually like that about you. Almost no matter what I do, you stick with me.. so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I smile big. "Of course!" I say and kiss his cheek, he blushed and smirks as he pecks my lips, I blush too, then we start talking about where we can go.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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