Milo x Nervous! reader

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This was a request so I hope you like it 😁 also Y= You and A= Albert

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I get so nervous talking or making new friends, I'm fine with the one I have but when someone ask me something or tells me something you wanna know what I do?.... I stutter! My friend Albert gets me though, he doesn't make me do anything at all, we just talk and hang out. Even though I can't talk to new people I have a crush who's basically my complete opposite, Albert tells me about him his name is Milo. "(Y/n) you're spacing out again!" He breaks me from my thoughts "sorry Albert, what were you saying?" I ask looking at him. "It's time to go" I look around the room at that moment and realize we're the only ones there "oh" I say and we laugh and go out the classroom. "What're you doing today?" "Helping Jumbo with pick out a new t-shirt that can fit him" "what? What am I supposed to do?!" I ask as we walk out the front doors. "I guess you'll have to make new friends, or a friend" "stop joking around Albert, you know I'm only comfortable talking to you" "why is that?" "Umm.... time to go make a new friend!" I say and go as fast as I can, I stop running and realize I'm at the park.

'I think why I started talking to Albert was because he looked.... approachable so when I talked to him he made me feel like I was at home with my roommate Finberly... we don't talk much but I trust her' I think as I hear a voice yelling at me to duck, I did and notice a... a soda can? "Milo you almost hit her!" A scrawny voice yells. "Oscar you know the best part of the soda is first drink! Also I didn't mean to!" "Tell that to her!" "Okay" I finally look over and see two dudes, one of them was walking towards me but stopped when I looked. The one with the scrawny voice rolled his eyes and walked over to the other and pushed him while he was walking "I'm sorry he's- wait is that you (Y/n)?!" He asks with the scrawny voice sounding surprised "*gulp* h-how do you k-know my n-name?" I stutter out. "You're in my math class! You know I'm the one kid that sits in the front!" I start thinking "o-oh... yeah *clears throat* n-nice seeing y-you again f-front seat" I say making the other dude laugh. I blush and begin to think 'his laugh sounds cool... am I starting to like him? I didn't think that could be possible' "(Y/n)!" I brake from my thoughts and notice them staring.

"Was I s-spacing out?" I ask shyly "yeah, we were asking why you stutter" the other dude finally says. "I d-don't open u-up easily, I'm too n-nervous to" I say looking down "don't worry, we just wanna be your friends!" The other dude exclaims making me smile. "O-okay... but w-what are y-your names?" I ask out being curious. "I'm Oscar, and this is my brother Milo! Wanna come and hang with us?" Oscar asks me, I nod so I wouldn't be embarrassed from stuttering again.

-time skip to their tank-

"Welcome to our tank!" Milo says and opens the door for me, I look around the tank and notice how nice it looks. "Do you like it?" Oscar asks "y-yeah! So h-homey" I say making them high five, my phone vibrates so I grab and check it.

A~ hey! What're you doing?

Y= hanging with Milo and Oscar

A= really?! Okay I just wanted to see, we're still looking so wish me luck 😂

Y= good luck!

I laugh at the texts, but instantly realize there's two other people here, so when I look up I see them looking at me curiously. "Who ya texting?!" Milo asks reaching for my phone, I get it out of his reach and say "A-Albert! He w-was seeing what I'm d-doing." Oscar then gets a text, he taps on his phone a few times then was about to put it back when he got another text. "Oh it's Bea! She wants help with... looking for a new fitting room? Oh typo outfit! Guess I'm gonna be gone, bye guys! Don't burn down the tank while I'm gone" he says and walks out the door. "Wanna make hot dogs explode in the microwave?!" Milo asks me happily so I laugh and say "s-sure" then he pulls me to the kitchen.

-bunch of hot dogs later-

"Blow up! Blow up! Blow up!" Milo yells while I stutter chanting it with him, this is the last hot dog too, will Oscar get upset? It exploded "hot dawg!" Milo yells and does a happy dance. I laugh but start doing a tiny dance too 'I just realized that I never knew when Albert became my best friend... it just happened' I think to myself. "Aww that was the last one... wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah sure... sounds fun, you gonna pick it?" I ask walking to the living room. Milo didn't follow for a minute, but when he does come out of the kitchen he comes to me instantly and grabs my hands and starts spinning "(Y/n) you didn't stutter!" He yells making me smile in realization. "Woohoo! Milo you realize what this means?" I ask happily, he nods and we stop spinning but we're still holding hands. "We're friends! Hot dawg!" He yells again but then looks more calm and I didn't realize it at first but we start leaning in, once our lips touched we started a sweet kiss. I realize what's going on and look at him, he's just enjoying it 'I guess he likes me back... Albert was right..' I think and separate from the kiss. "Milo...." "yeah?" "I love ya" I say making him blush, he smiles after a second but says "I love you too" I smile and say "I gotta go... see ya tomorrow?" "Totally" then I walk out thinking of what Albert said.

'Opposites attract'


Okay I feel like this was more shy then nervous... I'm sorry, I still have another 'x reader' oneshot to do so.... I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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