Chapter Three: Season Contracts and Bets

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Cristiano groaned as he rolled out of bed, he glared at the clock as he picked up his Blackberry that rang; he glanced at Irina, who was asleep next to him.

“Ola?” the Portuguese said as he rubbed the sleep from his brown eyes as he answered it, after arriving home late last night after the trip home from Seville, he wanted nothing more than to sleep a few more hours.

“Cristiano, where the hell are you?” Jorge shouted down the phone, he couldn't believe that the Portuguese player had pulled this stunt on that day of all days.

“Get your ass to Café Central, we’re meant to be finalizing your contract for Más que baile today,” Jorge snapped making Cristiano swallow as he remembered that he was meant to meet the producers of the show at ten o’clock, it was now eleven.

The official cast announcement would be made that week and the following weekend, he would be paired up with one of the lovely ladies that would coach him for the competition in a live show.

“I’m on my way,” Cristiano said as he ended the call and scrambled out of bed and started to dress for the meeting; Irina looked at her boyfriend irritable as he dressed in a white shirt, a black cardigan, dark jeans and his white trainers.

“I have to attend a meeting with the producers of Más que baile, I’ll meet you for dinner,” Cristiano said making the Russian nod as she rolled her green eyes and turned back over to sleep; she knew that there was no way he would take this seriously.

Nearly thirty minutes later, Cristiano found himself entering Café Central for the meeting with the producers; the Portuguese smiled as Jorge spotted him and stood to greet him.

“Cristiano, this is David, he is one of the producers of the show,” Jorge said as he gestured at the man across from him; the man was clearly middle aged with thinning grey hair and had a pleasant demeanour as he flashed the footballer a smile.

Cristiano shook David’s hand as he took a seat at the table, before he removed his sunglasses and clipped them to his shirt as Jorge and David talked about the show; the Portuguese was surprised about how much his agent knew about Más que baile.

“Okay Cristiano… I just need you to sign this and that’s about it,” David said as he slid the contract in front of him towards the footballer, who took a moment to read it before he took a pen and signed it.

Jorge nodded in approval as he watched the Portuguese sign the contract before it was handed back to David who smiled as he pocketed the contract.

“The introduction show is Friday… we will pair you up with your dance partner, you’ll get to see how the show works, that sort of thing,” David said making Cristiano nod as he looked at him.

He didn't know much about Más que baile, but his sisters hadn’t stopped talking about it since he had decided to do the show.


“You should check out some of these female dancers, Ronaldo… they are stunning,” Nuno said as Cristiano was playing a video game with Ze; the footballer glanced at his cousin, who was on the laptop.

Nuno grinned as Jorge looked at him as he entered the room and rolled his eyes, though he didn't disagree; the dancers on the show took what they were doing seriously and stayed in shape.

“There’s Anita Cortez… Nicolette Diaz… Grace Connors… Iveta Lukosiute… Maria Solis… Jessica Willis… and Isabelle Swanson,” Nuno said as he listed the female professional dancers; he couldn't believe that his cousin would get to dance with one of them.

Cristiano looked at him confused since he didn't recognise any of the names, he knew that he didn't follow the ballroom world but he hoped that doing the show would make his image better not worse.

“It doesn’t matter who he’s partnered with each of them take their job seriously, they all have titles to prove how good they are,” Jorge said making the three men around him look at him; the agent had done his research on the professionals and had to admit that he was impressed.

Cristiano sighed as he ran a hand through his hair before handing his controller to Hugo, who smiled at him as he moved to sit next to Nuno.

The footballer glanced at the screen while his cousin looked at the pictures of the female dancers; Cristiano had to admit they were beautiful, they put Irina to shame and his girlfriend was a high profile model.

“I don’t see why you’re all making such a fuss about this… he won’t make it far in the show,” Irina said as she walking into the living room, she frowned at the sight of Cristiano’s entourage; she hated that they were always around the house even while she was here.

Nuno and Ze glared at the brunette as she moved to wrap her arms around Cristiano’s neck and whisper in his ear however he stopped her and frowned; he didn't like the way she wasn’t being positive about him entering Más que baile.

“And what if I do?” Cristiano asked making the room fall silent as they looked at the couple; Irina rolled her eyes as she smirked, she had seen her boyfriend dance and she doubted that he would make it far.

“Then I’ll move here permanently,” the Russian model said making Cristiano raise an eyebrow at her; he had asked her to move in with him several times and she had refused.

Irina smirked as she watched her boyfriend; she knew that he wouldn’t pass up this bet if it meant that she would do what he wanted.

“And if you win?” Cristiano asked wondering what his girlfriend could get out of this; Irina paused at a moment to think before she smirked at him.

“It’ll be a surprise,” she said as Nuno stared at the Russian model, he didn't like where this was going and neither did Ze, who watched his brother-in-law concerned.

“Deal… if I win the show, you will move here permanently and if I don’t then it’s up to you,” Cristiano said making Irina smirk as she nodded; everyone else in the room knew that this bet was a bad idea and that she was tricking Cristiano into doing what she wanted.

“Deal… though I look forward to winning this,” Irina said as she moved away from Cristiano, who rolled his eyes as he turned his attention to the computer which was on Nuno’s lap.

He didn't care what his partner looked like as long as they helped him win this bet with Irina; Cristiano didn't like playing by someone else’s rules especially his girlfriends.

However Irina was someone that challenged him and the footballer loved being challenged; he only hoped that if he did lose that her end of the bet wouldn’t be too bad.

Nuno and Ze shared a look, they were going to have to keep an eye on Irina; it was clear that the Russian was up to something and that whatever she had planned wasn’t good.

It was a surprise to them that Cristiano had stayed with her this long since she was a rebound for Penny; something that was clear to everyone was that he loved her even after what had happened.

“So who is who?” Cristiano asked Nuno, as he nodded at the laptop screen; he hadn’t noticed the exchange between his two friend but they doubted he would say anything if he did.

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