Chapter Twenty-Two: I'm Still Standing

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Taking a deep breath as she stepped out of her dressing room, Isabelle looked at Cristiano who was waiting for her nervously; today Más que baile was being recorded live from Madrid Arena.

It was also the day that all Cristiano’s team-mates had decided to come and see him dance since the football season was now over; they had been teasing him about taking part but Cristiano didn't let it get to him until they had told him they were coming to the live show.

“You ready?” Isabelle asked as she smoothed out the material that was wrapped around her body, they had worked hard this week and she knew that Cristiano could do this.

The Portuguese nodded his head as he pressed a brief kiss to her cheek, he knew that they had to be careful but right now he needed her close and being at the arena wasn’t going to stop him.

Isabelle flashed him a smile before she heard the opening music to the show, taking a calming breath she looked at Cristiano and hoped that he would be able to control his nerves tonight.


Stepping out onto the dance floor for their salsa, the red head looked at Cristiano and offered him a reassuring smile as she rested her right hand on his chest, with her left in his hand.

The footballer was wearing an open red shirt with black dress pants with black dance shoes while Isabelle was wearing a red sequin top and skirt paired with golden sandal heels and a red scarf that was wrapped around her body and covering her red sequin outfit.

The pair were dancing to I’m Still Standing by Elton John, as the music started up a red flag was pulled over the pair before they started to dance and twirl to the music.

Cristiano remembering the steps with ease as lead Isabelle around the dance floor, he was quick on his feet and his team-mates were the last thing on his mind as he danced with his girlfriend.

Cristiano’s hands trailed up Isabelle’s body before he found the start of the scarf and removed it from her body revealed the sequin number that she was wearing under it; he throw the scarf out of the way before using his fingers to beckon Isabelle to him.

The red head ran into his arms and allowed Cristiano to spin her body in his arms three times before he twirled and set her down on her feet; the crowd roared around them as the couple moved with ease through their routine.

The couple moved apart as they danced their well-placed footwork making the crowd cheer as they danced; Isabelle made sure that they were completely in sync as they danced. She licked her lips as they twirled twice before Cristiano skidded along the floor and did his usual football celebration.

Getting to his feet, the footballer grinned as he signalled to Isabelle that he was ready for the lift; the red head run over to Cristiano and leapt into his arms, they twirled around before Cristiano set Isabelle back on her feet.

Cristiano took Isabelle’s hand as they danced, he remained completely focused on the dance that they were doing; he couldn't wait to be alone with her after the show; he knew that this was important to her and he was going to do his best.

Back flipping Isabelle over his shoulders and pulling her up from the splits, Cristiano took the moment of closeness to brush his lips against hers; she held back a smile as she tried to remain focused on what they were doing.

Her body was pressed to his in interesting ways, the red head smiled as they continued with their routine; the couple stayed close as they danced around the stage in the Arena, they knew a lot of people were watching them and that they couldn't show too many emotions to each other.

Cristiano grinned as they continued to twist and turn around the dance floor, he couldn't believe that he had made it this far; twirling around one more time; Cristiano dropped Isabelle to the floor with one hand holding her inches from the floor.

The crowd cheered as the footballer helped Isabelle to her feet, she wrapped her arms him and pressed a kiss to her cheek as Pilar stood by the judges waiting for them.

The couple moved towards them knowing that they had done what they could, the entire audience were on their feet cheering for the couple.

“That was what I call a full on Samba… you went for it, lock stock and barrel; it was very well done, you performed with high energy and I thought the lifts were good, however I would have liked a little more hip action,” Boris said.

Isabelle wrapped her arm around Cristiano waist as they both tried to calm their breathing, the Portuguese licked his lips as he nodded his head as he listened to what the head judge had to say.

“You did that with ease Cristiano, you have a natural feel to the dance and you looked so relaxed; that lift that you did with Isabelle were you went into the splits was brilliant,” Aída said making Cristiano smile as he held Isabelle close, he was pleased that he was getting such positive remarks from the judges so far.

“I think that you are over dressed for this occasion, the dance was flirty, sexy and playful… you do need a little work on your bum but we can talk about that later,” Santi said sending Cristiano a wink.

The Portuguese chuckled as Isabelle smiled as they waited for the final comment from the judges,

“I loved the routine, I thought the lift was absolutely spectacular, however it did not have a groove, it seemed very placed and there was no hip action,” Víctor said making a couple of the judges start to argue with him.

Isabelle smiled as she glanced at Cristiano before Pilar dismissed them to head to the lounge to get there results; Isabelle hugged Cristiano as they stepped into the lounge.

“You did well,” the red head said making the footballer smile at her, he brushed some hair from her face before Pilar called their attention to the judges who had their results for the salsa.





Were announced making the audience clap while Isabelle and Cristiano took a seat in the lounge were they would be until the voting had finished.


Stepping out of his changing room, Cristiano paused when he found most of his team-mates waiting for him; he stared at the dumbfounded wondering what they were doing here.

“What are you guys doing here?” the Portuguese asked making them all grin at him, he had a horrible feeling that they had all been in the audience to watch the show and him dancing.

“We came to see you and since you made it into the next round… we are going out to celebrate,” Marcelo said making Cristiano groan softly under his breath, he had made plans with Isabelle before the show and he doubted she wanted to spend the evening with his team-mates.

“Plus you can bring Isabelle… it would be nice to meet the woman who tamed Real Madrid’s bad boy,” Pepe said amused, he watched Cristiano stare at him for a moment before nodding his head; they all knew that something was going on between the Portuguese and the dancer and they hoped tonight they would learn what it was.


Author's Note:

Check out the video to see the dance. 

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