Chapter Five: First Training Session

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Isabelle sighed as she walked into the dance studio that they had been allocated; she was a little excited that their first dance of the season would be a Foxtrot, it was a dance that the red head enjoyed and she hoped that Cristiano wasn’t as bad a dancer as she thought.

“Buenos días Isabelle,” one of the cameramen greeted as he fiddled with the camera making the red head smile at him as she set down her bag and coat; stretching she glanced at the clock on the wall behind her.

On one side of the room there was a set of mirrors and a ballet bar, while on the other side there was clear glass windows overlooking the streets of Madrid.

Isabelle sighed, she loved working in these studios it reminded her of her mother’s dancing school, which she wanted to teach at when she retired from dancing all together.

The red head was wearing a black tank top and black party pants paired with black bow trim ballet flats for the training session.

“Hola Cristiano,” one of the producers that were on site greeted making Isabelle look at the Portuguese who had entered the room; he forced a smile as he looked at the crew who were preparing to film.

Isabelle moved to put on her mic-pack as she smiled at Cristiano.

“Did you have a nice weekend?” she asked Cristiano who nodded as he put on his own mic-pack.

After the two had put on the mic-packs, they prepared to film their first meeting, which Cristiano found ridiculous that they were faking their first meeting since they had already met.

Isabelle moved back to do some more stretches as Cristiano left the room, his eyes trailing along her flexible figure before the door closed in front of him.

The Portuguese counted to ten before he re-entered the room, Isabelle grinned as she hugged Cristiano.

“It’s nice to see you again Cristiano,” she greeted pleasantly making the footballer nod before he replied that it was nice to see her again.

Isabelle stepped back slightly and grinned, “We’ll go over the basics of Ballroom first before we go over our first dance,” the red head said making Cristiano nod nervously while the crew filmed them.

Isabelle smiled as she motioned for him to stand in the middle of the room; she smiled as she stood in front of him.

“Place your right hand in the middle of my back,” Isabelle instructed making Cristiano place his right hand on her back, but the red head reached behind her and place it higher up since the Portuguese had placed his hand almost at her waist.

“I know that most people dance like that but in ballroom, there are rules and your hand goes here,” the red head told him a she put his hand in the proper spot. Isabelle looked at Cristiano to make sure he understood and his face was unmasked.

He clearly was a little embarrassed about making a mistake in the first few minutes but Isabelle gave him a reassuring smile and continued.

“Now put your left hand in mine,” Isabelle continued to instruct him, she ignored the cameras as she spoke knowing that she couldn't let them bother her now.

Cristiano did as he was told, it was clear that he was still a little nervous about the camera’s watching him; Isabelle guessed that he was out of his comfort zone since he was usually relaxed in front of camera’s during interviews.

“Good. Now straighten your upper body, but slightly bend your knees,” the red head said making Cristiano shift around a little, trying to get in the proper dance position.

He bent his knees and he tried to straighten his back as he looked at Isabelle oddly, it was weird being in this position.

Isabelle chuckled as she slipped out of his arms easily and moved round his back to help him; Cristiano glanced at her as she slipped out of view.

Isabelle put her arms on either side of him, she carefully adjusted his back for him.

“Stay,” she said making Cristiano nod as he froze in position while she walked back in front of him.


Cristiano took a sip of his water as Isabelle said goodbye to the crew, they had gotten enough footage of the couple and were now off to film someone else.

“So how are you enjoying the Foxtrot?” the red head asked as she moved back towards Cristiano, who licked his lips nervously.

He didn't know what it was about Isabelle but there was something about her that set him on edge.

“It’s difficult,” Cristiano said making Isabelle laugh and nod, the red head collected her own bottle of water; she found the foxtrot one of the best ballroom dances.

“It gets easier once you have the posture and that down,” Isabelle mused making Cristiano smile as he nodded, he watched the red head smiled at him and set down her bottle again after she had taken a drink.

Cristiano sighed knowing that they were going to have to rehearse again; Isabelle laughed as she looked at Cristiano.

“Come on… we’ll break for lunch as soon as we have the first part nailed,” Isabelle said as she signalled for Cristiano to get into the starting position again.

The Portuguese bent his knees and straightened his back before Isabelle stepped up to him and melted her body into his, the red head bent her knees and grasped his hand in hers.

Cristiano put his right hand on her back and Isabelle placed her legs in between his, Cristiano swallowed as he realised how close they were standing to each other.

“My leg has to go between yours and yours has to go between mine… it's dancing,” Isabelle said making Cristiano relax a little as she carefully started to instruct him how to step forward with his right leg.

The Portuguese did as he was told and Isabelle felt his leg move between her own.

“Don’t stomp. You’re dancing, not walking, keep your knees bent and when you step forward with your right, use grace like your gliding,” the red head instructed carefully making Cristiano nod before he attempted the move again.

This time the move was a lot more graceful which surprised Isabelle who nodded as she stepped back on her left, she smiled as she realised that they were slowly becoming a tuned to one another.


“So I was thinking about a Bruno Mars song for our Foxtrot,” Isabelle said as she and Cristiano collected their stuff, the Portuguese looked at the red head; who laughed softly at his confused look.

“We select the songs,” she told him making Cristiano blush slightly at the surprise that there was something that he didn't know.

Isabelle shouldered her bag and thanked Cristiano as he held open the door to the studio for her.

“Okay… any particular one?” the Portuguese asked as he tried to rack his mind for any Bruno Mars knowledge that he had but he came up short.

Isabelle shook her head, she was still narrowing down the list; she smiled at she spotted Nicolette heading into her own rehearsal.

“Not yet but I’ll have one by the time we go for our costume fittings next week,” she replied making Cristiano pale as he tried to think about what they customer department would dress him in this time.

Isabelle laughed softly as she headed towards her car, maybe being partnered with Cristiano wouldn’t be that bad.

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