Chapter Thirty-Three: The Top Three

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Cristiano felt his hands shake as the opening music to the show started, he couldn’t believe that he had made it this far; he was in the finals of a ballroom dancing show that had taken over his life for the last few months.

“You okay?” Isabelle asked as she walked over to her boyfriend, she looked at him concerned surprised to see how nervous that he had gotten while she was getting ready; she knew that tonight was a big night for them it would be the start of a long weekend.

Nodding his head, Cristiano took Isabelle’s hand and smiled at her, he couldn’t have asked for a better partner and he knew he owed her a lot; it had been because of her that he had changed.

“I’m more than okay,” Cristiano said as he was careful of her make up, he knew they were the first couple dancing tonight and he hoped that his Quickstep had improved since they had last done it.

The dance had been the judge’s favourite and they had been asked to do it again for the final, it was one of four dances that they would do that weekend before the final was over.

“I love you,” Cristiano said knowing that he had to make her proud, his girlfriend smiled at him and kissed his lips aware that he was nervous; she pulled away as she heard the annoyed muttering of one of the make-up ladies.

Isabelle realised her head against his, she knew that there was little that she could say that would ease his mind; she was nervous herself about what would happen.

“I love you too,” Isabelle said as she heard one of producers call for them to get ready, she pressed one last kiss to Cristiano’s lips; she didn’t care if she won this weekend, she already had Cristiano.


Stepping out onto the dance floor for their quickstep which was the judges’ choice for the first final dance of the season; Isabelle smiled as she linked arms with Cristiano as they got into their first position.

The red head grinned as she glanced at her boyfriend as the music started up, they were still dancing to don’t get me wrong by the pretenders like they had done the first time around.

The two of them made their way down the steps before Isabelle twirled around and dipped slightly before she moved to flick her leg behind her before she dipped again and moved into the first hold.

The couple glided smoothly across the floor, as they started their quickstep; Cristiano was surprised how easy he had found the dance in training; he knew that he couldn't let Isabelle down.

The couple covered every inch of the floor as they did their quickstep, they moved with grace as they did the foot work; the couple twirled along the dance floor knowing that tonight was a different for all their other dances.

It didn't take long for them to complete their routine with Cristiano kissed Isabelle’s lips as they ended the dance; he smiled as the red head wrapped her his neck as she tried to calm down her breath.

The crowd cheered around them as they pulled apart and walked towards the judge’s desk where Pilar was waiting for them.

The presenter smiled at the couple knowing that they had done well, she could hear Cristiano’s team-mates chanting and she knew he hadn’t known that they were all coming to watch him.

“While Cristiano and Isabelle catch their breath, let’s welcome our wonderful singers and orchestra,” Pilar said smiling making the audience clap as Cristiano wrapped an arm around Isabelle’s waist, he really hoped that he had done Isabelle proud.

“There have been many amazing battles through history and tonight you have come out all guns blazing. Cristiano that was brilliant, well done,” Boris Izaguirre said as he smiled at the couple, he had been impressed with the energy that they had put into the dance and they had done well for the first dance of the final.

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