Epilogue: We Dance On

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Cristiano took a deep breath as he made his way towards his seat, he was so nervous about watching the show; he couldn’t believe that it had been a year since it had been him on that dance floor.

Junior held onto his father’s hand tightly as they headed for their seats, he bounced up and down while chattering happily about being able to watch the show.

Cristiano was barely able to listen, tonight wasn’t just the first live show of the new season of Más que baile; it was also Isabelle’s first night back and he was nervous since she was going to be doing a solo dance with Daniel Garcia.

“When will we see Isa?” Junior asked softly, it was the first time that they had been to see the show having missed the introduction show that had seen Isabelle paired up with some Spanish comedian.

Cristiano took a deep breath, he knew that Isabelle was just getting back on her feet and he was pleased that she had managed to get back to doing what she loved.

“Soon,” Cristiano promised finding their seats, he sat down as the show prepared to start; he settled Junior down in his own seat and he hoped that Isabelle wasn’t too nervous.

Junior nodded his head as the lights slowly dimmed, he looked towards the dance floor like his father as the room fell silent; he squinted a little as the music started to play signalling that the professional dancers were on stage.

Cristiano took a deep breath as his eyes easily found Isabelle, he couldn’t imagine how nervous she was a feeling right now.

The lights slowly lifted revealing Isabelle and Daniel on the dance floor, they were doing a samba and Cristiano couldn’t quite place the song that they were dancing to.

Isabelle looked completely at ease on the dance floor again and Cristiano doubted that she would have ever given up dancing for anything in the world.


Isabelle grinned excitedly as she hurried to hug her boyfriend, she was thrilled that he and Junior had made it to watch her dance; it didn’t even matter that she was near the bottom of the leader board with her celebrity partner.

“You did it,” Junior said excitedly, he hugged the red head’s legs while she hugged his father; it had been a long show and he was a little tired.

Cristiano kissed Isabelle, he was so proud of her and he hoped that they would be able to celebrate; they hadn’t had much time together since she had returned to training.

“I’m so proud of you,” Cristiano whispered, he brushed his fingers through her hair and he hoped that they weren’t going to be interrupted; he smiled down at her knowing how much all of this meant to her.

Isabelle grinned before she kissed Cristiano again, it had been a long day and she hoped that they would get to celebrate.

Junior smiled up at the couple as Isabelle pulled away from Cristiano and moved to cuddle the little boy, she was so happy right now that she hadn’t given up on her dreams.

“Let’s go home,” Cristiano said with a smile, he didn’t know what the future held for them but he was sure that together they could face it; they had been through too much to let anything drag them down.



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Sway with Me.

Thanks to everyone that has read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you. It's been a long one and thank you for being so patient xxx

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