Chapter Twelve: Come Away With Me

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Cristiano shifted nervously as he watched Isabelle finish having the last touches to her make-up done; he had spent all week trying to make it up to her after he had tried to kiss her.

“It’ll be okay… we just do the routine that we practiced,” Isabelle said as she turned and smiled at Cristiano, she was wearing a long hushed pink ballroom gown that revealed her back and had material dangling elegantly from her arms.

Cristiano nodded as he offered her a hand to help her down the stairs, his eyes trailed her figure as he wondered what it would be like to have her pressed against him intimately.

“Okay we are dancing fifth tonight,” Isabelle said as she tried to remember the schedule that she had seen before; Cristiano hadn’t been paying much attention during the rehearsal and the red head wondered what was bothering him.

“Cris… is everything okay?” she asked pulling him to a stop, the Portuguese blinked as he looked at her; he nodded his head as he tried to shake the images of what he had done last night with Irina from his head.

He wasn’t imagining his girlfriend when he thought about what they had done, he was thinking about Isabelle and what she would be like in his bed.

“I’m okay… Irina was driving me up the wall last night,” Cristiano lied as he tried to ignore the flashes of imagination that his brain conjured up; he swallowed as he tried to focus on Isabelle, who looked concerned.

She had heard from a friend of her sister’s that the Russian model was high maintenance and loved to be the centre of attention; Isabelle had wondered why Cristiano was with her.

“Well I hope you aren’t too tired… we have to do well from now on otherwise we’ll be eliminated,” Isabelle said lightly, she knew that there was more to it than that but she didn't want to appear nosey about Cristiano’s personal life.

Cristiano offered her a small smile as he nodded his head, his thoughts often focused around her when he was spending with Irina.

The Portuguese was lucky that his girlfriend hadn’t noticed that his thoughts were focused on another woman; he had, had to bit his lip last night to stop from moaning Isabelle’s name while he had been making out with Irina.

The Russian hadn’t even noticed that he’d stop listening to her talk about her day and her bitching about her co-workers; his thoughts drifting to the times in the day that he spent with Isabelle and he wondered what she was doing.


Stepping out onto the dance floor for their slow waltz, Isabelle licked her lips as she glanced at Cristiano; she knew that she had to remain professional no matter what happened.

The two moved into their first position where Isabelle had her head resting on Cristiano’s right shoulder while one of her arms was resting on that shoulder and the other held Cristiano’s hand.

As soon as the music filled the air, Isabelle and Cristiano moved slowly as they started their routine, the first chorus was sung the two of the glided around the dance floor smoothly around the floor without a problem.

When they reached the second verse, Isabelle broke Cristiano’s hold on her and twirled around him and carefully made her way up several steps on one of the staircases that lined the dance floor.

Cristiano followed her up the stairs and flashed her a sweet smile before he took her hand and pretended to whisper in her ear, Isabelle pretended to be embarrassed before Cristiano pressed a brief kiss to her cheek making the red head look at him surprised.

She knew that wasn’t part of the routine, they had scrapped the idea after their almost kiss during the week.

Cristiano walked back down the stairs and turned and offered Isabelle his hand, the red head lifted her dress slightly as she climbed back down the stairs and the resumed their routine.

As the final notes of the song played out, Cristiano wrapped his arms delicately around Isabelle and rested his head against hers; this was something he often thought about doing while he was at home in bed with Irina.

As soon as the crowd started to cheer, Isabelle turned to face Cristiano with a smile on her face before she led him over to Pilar who smiled at them as the two of them caught their breath.

“I’m incredibly upset… the first part of the dance was beautiful, I thought to myself that this is a 10, this is a 10… and what do you do, you mess it all up by walking up the stairs and whispering in one another’s ears, I didn't get it,” Víctor said making Cristiano stiffen, he hadn’t expected that small part to ruin the dance like the head-judge had said.

“As a celebrity… you simply have to get on with the chorography that you are given, I won’t penalise you for the whisper on the stairs… you make ballroom look cool, you have your own style and that was exquisite,” Aída said making Cristiano nod, he hadn’t missed that she had made a small jab at Isabelle’s routine and it upset him more than he cared to admit.

“You are a smooth operator… you can whisper in my ear anytime, it was elegant… poised, it was superb,” Santi said making Isabelle smile as she squeezed Cristiano’s hand in comfort; she knew that he was a little upset with Víctor’s comment but he had to let it go.

“I really loved the whispering in the ear… and the whole story telling, I think Víctor is wrong,” Boris said before he started to bicker with Víctor.

Pilar forced a smile before she dismissed Cristiano and Isabelle so that they could head for the lounge where they would receive their results for the show.

Isabelle hugged Cristiano as they stepped into the lounge; she could sense that he was still upset about what had been said, she hadn’t expected him to take it so hard.

“It’s okay… it’s my fault for putting it in the dance,” Isabelle said making Cristiano look at her, a frown suddenly set on his face but before he could speak Pilar called their attention to the judges who had their results for the slow waltz.





were announced making the audience clap while Isabelle and Cristiano took a seat in the lounge were they would be until the voting had finished.

The Portuguese waited until everyone’s attention was off of them before he dipped his head to Isabelle’s ear.

“Your chorography was fine… it’s just a shame that they didn't all see it,” Cristiano said making his lips brush against her ear lope; the red head blushed slightly as she looked at him.

It was only when she did that she realised how close they were sitting, Isabelle licked her lips as Cristiano carefully cupped her chin and moved to kiss her lips.

However the sound of the audience cheering pulled them apart, Isabelle looked away from him wondering why she hadn’t stopped him while Cristiano frowned disappointed that he had missed his chance.

Unknown to the pair, Irina had watched the entire thing; she frowned as she realised that she was slowly losing her famous boyfriend to some dancer.

The Russian pursed her lips, she couldn't have Isabelle stealing Cristiano away, when Irina was so close to getting what she wanted.


Author's Note:

Check out the video to see the dance. :-D x

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