Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything I Do

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Cristiano grinned as he trailed his hands down the white lace dress that Isabelle was wearing, he kissed her softly making the make-up artist glare at him before the red head batted him away.

“Don’t,” Isabelle warned softly as she realised what he was thinking, they had been dating for nearly four weeks now and things were starting to get a little more heated between them.

“We have a show to prepare for, later,” Isabelle said as she tried to remain professional, she knew that he respected her boundaries on the fact that they hadn't had sex yet; he understood that she wasn’t ready even if he had seen her naked before.

“I love you,” Cristiano said making the red head smile as she pecked his lips, she stepped away from him as she checked herself in the mirror before leading him from her dressing room; the footballer followed her willingly out of the room.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Isabelle asked pulling him to a stop, she looked at her boyfriend wondering what was going on; she had a feeling that this was more than cosy feelings, she watched as his eyes searched hers for a moment before he pulled her close.

“I love you so much,” Cristiano said as he rested his head against hers, he closed his eyes making Isabelle look at him confused about what was going on; she pulled back slightly as she wondered what had gotten into him.

“I love you too,” Isabelle said making Cristiano smile, before he kissed her; he didn't know what he would do if he were to lose her, he would do anything to make sure that, that didn't happen.


Stepping onto the dance floor as the song, Everything I Do by Bryan Adams; Isabelle slowly walked down the steps and towards Cristiano, who waited for her at the bottom of the steps.

Isabelle stopped in front of the footballer, who lifted her left hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it before he ran a hand through her hair; he smiled softly as the red head turned to face him as she took his hand.

Isabelle took two steps before Cristiano drew her closer; Isabelle placed a hand on the back of his neck as they swayed close together, their eyes locking as they danced.

Their movements were graceful and in time with each other, this was one of the easier dances that they had danced; Cristiano had still found it difficult to master the footwork but he was pleased that it had gone well recently.

Isabelle twirled around as they danced, she spun away from Cristiano, who gracefully stopped her from spinning too far and pulled her back to him.

The footballer was a little surprised that his girlfriend wasn’t getting dizzy as they danced, there were a lot of spins and twirls in their routine.

Pulling Isabelle up from the splits, her nose nudged against his as they continued to dance closely together before she danced around his body; the steps were easy and the couple knew that but they hoped that it was enough.

Isabelle twirled away from Cristiano before signalling for him to approach her, she smiled softly as he dropped on one knee in front of her while her hands cupped his head before he moved back to his feet.

After a couple more steps of the routine, the red head found herself cuddled into his chest, she smiled as the crowd around the cheered before she hugged her boyfriend. Pilar stepped onto the dance floor by the judges as the couple headed over to her to discover what the judges thought,

“This was the best rumba that I have seen from a male celebrity in a long time, it was touching and sensitive, romantic, good hip action and it looked natural,” Aída said as she smiled at the two. Cristiano held the red head close; she smiled up at her boyfriend at the glowing response that he was getting so far.

“Usually at this stage a rumba can make or break and you turned something that could have been tragic into something with a little bit of magic,” Santi said as he smiled at Cristiano, the footballer sighed relieved that everything seemed to be going so well so far.

“Well it was hard not to notice that you have been working on your hip action, it was simple, it was clean and it was basic, there was one small wobbly moment but it was perfect,” Víctor said making Cristiano grin while Isabelle cuddled into his side.

“It’s movie night and someone is going to have their dreams dragged across the dancing room floor, but it won’t be yours,” Boris said making the couple grin before Pilar dismissed them off to the lounge; the couple knew that they had done well and that was all that they could hope for right now.

Isabelle hugged Cristiano as soon as they stepped into the lounge, she was so proud of him and she couldn't bring herself to care about what sort of results they got now.





were announced as the scores were revealed, the couple didn't knew that they had done well and now it was up to the public if they were to make it to the next stage of competition.


Cristiano kissed Isabelle eagerly as he dropped her off at her apartment, he held her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck; they had moved onto the next stage of the competition and would be required to dance two dances for the next show.

“I have to go,” Isabelle said softly as she ran her fingers through Cristiano’s hair, he nodded his head as he kissed her again; he slowly backed her into her apartment door, his hands trailed down her body to pull her closer to him.

“Noche,” Isabelle said as she pulled away from Cristiano so that she could unlock her door, she smiled at him as she saw the look in his eyes; things between them were going well and it worried her what would happen when this came to an end.

“I love you,” Isabelle said making the footballer smile as he pulled her into another kiss, he didn't know what he would do if he were to lose her; he held her close as they kissed.

“I love you too, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Cristiano said making Isabelle nod her head as she rested her head against his; she closed her eyes content for a moment before she sighed and pulled away knowing that he had to leave.

“Noche,” the red head said softly making Cristiano smiled at her, he nodded his head as he kissed her softly again before he pulled back so that he could head home.

“Doces sonhos,” Cristiano said as he gave her one more lingering kiss before he headed back to his car, Isabelle grinned as she closed the door behind her.

Isabelle smiled as she rested against her front door, she had never felt like this with anyone before; she had a feeling that Cristiano was the one for her and she could see them having a future.

Isabelle headed into her bedroom, she was exhausted and suddenly pleased that Cristiano had insisted that they ate before they went home; he knew that she sometimes just collapsed into bed and didn't eat after a show.

Yawning Isabelle changed for bed, she paused as she checked her phone which held a message from Cristiano telling her that he had arrived home safe; climbing into bed, and Isabelle hoped that the future would be even better for the two of them.


Author's Note:

Check out the video to see the dance.

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