Chapter 1

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Disclaimer~ I DO NOT own Soul Eater or it's characters i only own my story and my own Characters. As i do not want to repeat this disclaimer i will only say it every 5 chapters or so


I was riding my scooter to home from school when I saw Kilik chasing Fire and Thunder weirdly. I mean it was weirder than how he usually chases the adorable 6 year old twins. Today however he even looked weird, He looked sickish? And looked green, was he purposely chasing them in slow-motion?

"Maka-Chan Thank goodness you're here Onii-Chan acting really weird, can you help us?" Thunder said running towards me

"Ok hop on!" I said while making room for Thunder and leaning down so her brother Fire can climb on my back.

When I got home everyone was all ready there in the living room, everyone turned to see me closing the door.

"Is there a party that I didn't know about?!" I said rolling my scooter inside while Thunder was still riding and her brother on my back. I put it against the wall after she jumped off and leaned down so Fire could get off.

"Where have you been?!" Soul said getting off the recliner and was embracing me before I could have even taken off my jacket, we've gotten really close lately but this was still out of character for him.

"I've been at school doing some extra credit stuff then Kilik was acting weird so I let the twins come home with me. Why? What's happening?" I said walking into the living room and sat on the couch where Black Star and Tsubaki was, they've been dating for the past two months, but Tsubaki knew Black star and I were child hood friends so she didn't freak out when things happened like me resting my legs on his lap like I was doing now.

"Haven't you noticed any of the undead walking around trying to eat everything?!" Liz said while being held by her younger sister and getting patted on the back by her meister. She looked like she was going to have a mental break down very soon.

"Other than Kilik acting weird it seems like a normal day outside" I said going to the Kitchen to get some Pringles. I came back and sat on black stars lap because Kid decided to steal my spot and since I didn't want him to whine about how we weren't symmetrical and try to fix it, I got up and sat on the floor infront of Soul. I also noticed Tsubaki has been giving me the cold shoulder lately ever since Black Star apologized about ruining my favorite, and new, book series a couple months ago.

"Onee-Chan can we have something to drink?" Fire said running up to me with one of the toy jeeps I kept here for them when I baby-sat them.

"Yea would you like juice, Strawberry milk, or water?" I asked looking into the fridge to see what I had.

"Apple juice please." They said, knowing I always kept some in here for them for when I baby sat them.

"Ok coming right up." I said I went over to the cabinet when I noticed something walking towards the window but it wasn't just something, it was Papa! I screamed before grabbing the twins and putting them into the hallway.

"What is it?" Soul exclaimed while running into the Kitchen, his arm already in scythe form.

"P-papa." I said pointing towards the window.

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