Water (is)n't my enemy!

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Water is my brother's enemy

Me and my brothers were swimming when I felt like letting my brother get his head wet, so I flicked water from my hand on to his head, I think it wasn't that bad, showers are worse.


screams, starts swiming to edge of the pool, starts climing the wall (we have a up ground pool) and freaks out.......oh please it wasn't that bad!!!!



Brother: Don't hit me in the head!

Me: that's the only thing you have that's out of the water, what the heck am I supposed to hit?!?!

Brother: Don't hit me then!!!!

Me: -.-


Me: OMFG Jump in the pool already!

Brother: NO! The water is cold! I'll get in slowly!

Me: *Face palm* It's 30 degrees C in here!


Brother: *Jumps on my back, and tries to drown me*

Me: hey get akjdhflkajakjf;aksj Can't breath!!! ;KSJDF;LS

Brother: Hahahaha!

Me: *Pushes off and he falls into pool*

Brother: Ahhhhhh!!!!! aljfgkldjh MOMMY!!!!!! SISTER GOT WATER IN MY EAR!!!!

Mom: (My name) STOP BULLING YOUR BROTHER!!!!!!!!

Me: NANI?!?!?! (What?!?!)


Hello everyone! I'm back!!!! I hope you are still reading cause I really appriciate it! Luv you all!

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