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My house has no Internet, so I go to McDonalds and use the wifi, but now that school has started, FREE UNLIMITED INTERNET IN SCHOOL!!!! Oh yeah!!! So I was remembering this one time...

So on the first day of school, my friends and I were so ready for grade 10! But no, the seniors just HAD to ruin it.

Me- So I get to my locker and it's taken, THE WORST START IN THE DAY!!! I find out a senior took my locker, then gave me her locker number so I could have it. Her reason? "OH I want to be with my friends" I would move (Cause I'm socially awkward), but they assign lockers for a reason ya know. So I said no, and took my locker back (with a few seniors hating me of course)

Julia- Someone took her locker too, but luckly for her, it was a greade 10 student, and was a computer glitch instead.

Gabrielle- So she got the same problem as me, but actually switched lockers. GUESS WHAT!? Her lock got cut, the senior went back into the locker, now she has to move in the middle of class time and get a new 10 bucks lock.

Kyle (Yes him too)- Is the guy who just laughed at me, but it turns out that he

STA: *covers author's mouth* nope, you are not saying it, or else I will the tell the world your secret.


Haha WHO SAID LOCKERS WERE GREAT?!?!?!?!?! *is clearly dissed off*

So yeah, using the school's Wi-Fi ti do stuff..... hahaha I hate my internet.

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