Answering to Your Interesting Questions

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The first question I got was from @thebiggestswiftfan, and I was really surprised cause I didn't expect a question that early! So her question was:

Do you like reading and if so, what are your top 10 chapter books on Wattpad?

YES! I ADORE READING! It's actually one of the reasons why I joined Wattpad actually. ^^

1. Kuro: A Land in Eternal Night (Offline)

2.That Jerk of a Captain (Levi x reader/Shingeki no kyojin/Attack on Titan) 

3.( Xuyên không ) Tiêu phi Đại náo hậu cung

4.SHINING ENTERTAINMENT- Uta no prince Sama (STARISH, Quartet Night)

5.The Dragon's Keeper

6. As Long as she lives

7.  Ten Reasons Not To Die

8. My Magic Stuffed Animals

9. Find Love? Ya Right!

10. and a few Tsubasa Chronicles (Chapter long) Fanfics


Now these ones are from @Scarlet_Princess. She was so enthusiastic, and gave me lots of interesting questions!

Will you ever get a Wattpadian  boyfriend? XD

errrrr Probably not, cause no one is interested in me, Meh. ^^

There will be multiple questions in this:

Remember the time I turned you into a neko?

What do you think of "nonsense" humor?

If you could be any Vocaloid what kind of cake would you by at Ciel's manor?

Did you know you didn't have to answer the 3rd one?

What do you think of Tsundere's?

What color are your eyes and (is) hair?



R-e-m-e-m-b-e-r m-e Mo-ko-na-tan??? XD

[1]Yes, I still have my profile photo as a Neko.............oddly enough. [2]I think of nonsense humor as nonsense ideas, but they do have a interesting ring to them. [3]Hmmmmm, I would be VY1 Mizki and take no cake cause I hate it [4]....................................I DIDN'T?!?!?! [5] i think they are the most weirdest entity in the the world because they are loud and attention seeker but they don't want to open themselves to others, this is just my opinion. [6] I am Asian, so officially I have dark brown/blondish hair (blame the CHLORINE!) and black eyes. MOKONATAN! Yes, I do remember.
A question from @TWDandme

What would you do if you turned into a unicorn?

I would, er hmmmm. I really don't know, BUT I do know that I will be chasing all of the bullies down. Or maybe all the haters that you want to punch in the face, with a steel chair.

This one is from @StarBubbleGum

Who is your celebrity crush and is he hot? Hot like an oven or hot as fire? Wait,isn't that kind of like the same?

I honestly do not have a celebrity crush, but I do crush on Anime characters! Yes they are hot, and an oven is more or less like a fire.

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