Funny teachers! Part 1

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I HATE GEOGRAPHY!!! Just saying, cause i'm more into math and sciences, so to anyone who likes Geo, sorry.

So we were having presentations and they were BORING!! Yeah we had to research a natural park in Canada, I had Wapusk National Park. (I know, it's a weird name.) And my friend had

Ukkusiksalik National Park

me: seriously? Ukku- Uku- ukkusilicon. Never mind.

So when presentation came along, I was literally trying not to fall asleep. XD So I brought paper strips in class, and made paper stars!!! So I put my chin on the desk, pretending to listen, while under the desk I was making Origami Stars.

So at the end of the class one day, "Sam, can I talk to you after class please?" My Geo teacher said, and I was PETRAFIED!!! So at the end of class, I went to go talk to her. Here's the conversation.

Teacher: "So Sam, I see that you were able to occupy yourself with something under your desk. Mind to share what you were doing?"

Me: "Ummmm, w-well, ummmm, I was m-making these" *takes out box of origami stars*


Teacher: "So that's what you've been doing! You know what?!?!"

Me: *shakes head* 'Please don't yell at me!'

Teacher: "Can I have a few?"

Me: O.o................Uh yeah DEFINITELY Miss!

So that was an unsuspected ending was it? Haha I thought I was going to get a lecture, cause she was a very strict teacher!


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