Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV:

The servants were running about as quickly and quietly as they could in order to prepare for the next evening's winter ball that their majesty was hosting. Her parents had declined to return home for it, deciding to stay away in the mountains for a bit longer, and it had already put her majesty in a sour mood. The just a bit longer would surely be another year at least as it always was. The princess had not seen her parents in over two years and though she would never admit it, it wounded her that they did not care more for her.

The only servant that knew this though was her royal advisor and childhood friend, Jacque. Jacque was ensuring that everything was set up for the ball perfectly, so that the princess would have no reason to explode on the servants.....again. As he walked into the main foyer with the tables now being set, he could just barely hear the large metal gate outside swing open over the sound of the rushing wind before his attention was taken by something else.

"I would be careful of that table setting Tricia. If it's not perfect it could very well be our necks on the line." (Jac.)

"Of course Jacque, do you think this will do or should I-" (Tricia)

Tricia didn't have the chance to ask the rest of her question as the aging gateman Thomas came rushing into the room seeming to look for someone, that someone being Jacque. The older man rushed up to the younger one and began whispering quickly into his ear.

"What? Now? Does she know yet?" (Jac.)

"No sir, not yet." (Tom.)

"Bring him to the servant's kitchen as quickly and quietly as you can, let's hope she doesn't find out." (Jac.)

Thomas nodded and rushed back out of the room, with Jacque following a few moments later. He was soon in the servant's kitchen, nodding at Jeffrey the cook, before turning his attention to Thomas and the old beggar man standing beside him. The old beggar had apparently begged Thomas to be allowed to stay the night due to the bitter storm that was beginning to wage outside. Upon seeing Jacque he offered a little bow, and Jacque could see the years that seemed to weigh upon the man as he did.

"Sir, I would like to offer the master or mistress of this castle their thanks in allowing me to stay the night. I have a small token of gratitude to present to them."

"I'm sorry sir, you may stay here for the night, but the mistress of the castle should never find out. She would.....she would not be pleased with it. But I cannot in good faith deny you shelter as you would surely find your death outside. So for now warm yourself by the fire and take a meal." (Jac.)

Before the beggar man spoke again the bell signaling that the princess required his aid was rung and he quickly excused himself and made his way into the thrown room. He bowed lowly to the princess, someone he thought of as a friend when they were younger but no longer on her part anyway. He would still name her as a friend but he had no doubt that she would not name him as one in return.

They both aged well over the years, his brown hair and brown eyes and height making many women of the court swoon over him. While her brown ringlets and bright green eyes framed her face perfectly and she had a figure to match. He fell into his position of royal advisor perfectly, understanding that people made mistakes and was a great friend to everyone within the castle. He was the only one that knew how to calm the princess down when she was in one of her infamous moods as well, as she had been earlier today when she received word from her parents. He was a good man, a great friend, and possessed a heart full of love.

The princess however, having been spoiled by parents that were never there personally had become haughty, selfish, bitter, and unkind to all those around her. Her friendship with him had been long forgotten in her mind, or at least everyone had thought so. The princess would think of the good times they had as children, before frowning and reminding herself that her status put her above such friendships. She told herself repeatedly that friendships did not matter much for it was status and beauty such as hers that mattered.

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