Chapter 15

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Sariff's POV:

It had been a few days since the nightmare and the events to follow. The castle was as warm as possible to make sure that I didn't end up dying from the chill that had settled over us. I had gone to Jacque and the others shortly after I had calmed down and had apologized to them all. I told them that I would not give up until the day the curse ended. They accepted my apology and told me the same thing that both the Enchanter and Jacque have been saying for years now, that I must not give up yet.

Though I had made up with my staff, I hadn't seen Daniel since that morning, not from a lack of trying on his part. He had climbed the steps hoping to seek me out in the library several times, only for me to leave through the door on that story.

I had caught his scent outside my room as well, no doubt looking for me to come out but having missed me as I returned from one of my many hiding spots. Jacque always managed to find me and tell me that Daniel was still looking for me and asking about me, but I had been unable to go to him. He saw me as a friend but I wasn't really. I was the girl that told a lie to his father in order to get someone to come stay with me in the castle and be trapped with me. Would he still see me as only a friend when he found out the truth?

"Mistress?" (Nathan)

"A letter from my parents Nathan? So soon after their last one." (Sar)

"No, it's addressed to Master Daniel." (Nathan)

"Then it must go to him I suppose. I will.....I will take it to him." (Sar)

I watched as my postman turned mailbox nodded at me before hopping back out of the room and back to the servant's kitchen no doubt. I looked at the handwriting and could tell it was female and my heart broke at the thought of him having a lover back home, and the image of the dream girl with the golden hair filled my mind again as tears grew in my eyes. Yet another reason why the curse will never be broken.

I forced myself to my feet, pulling the jacket and cloak I wore tighter around myself as I went to the library. I had no doubt that he would be in there. I paused at the door hearing Jacque, June, and Daniel all speaking in a hushed tone. I took one last breath, making sure the tears were out of my eyes, before pushing open the door and walking in.

I kept my head downcast as I walked towards them, June coming into view first followed by Jacque and Daniel's feet. I forced myself to look up and meet Daniel's gaze and was again surprised to find him smiling at me as if I'm his favorite person in the world. I clenched the letter tightly in my hand for a moment before he opened his mouth to speak in an excited rush of words.

"Sariff, would you like to join me for a dance tonight?" (Dan)

I felt my face melt into confusion at the question. He's asking me to a dance in my own house. How is that even.....June and Jacque and the rest of them. Of course. I knew they were worried as they was only two and half weeks left before the curse ended but this is a bit ridiculous on their part don't they think.

"What?" (Sar)

"Well, I've never been to a dance and June and Jacque was telling me earlier how you used to love to dance." (Dan)

I saw Jacque and June both nod their heads with wide eyes and wide smiles plastered on their faces. I looked back to Daniel's face and saw him smiling too, with an eager almost hopeful look on his face.

"Al-alright. I would like that." (Sar)

"Well then let's get you two to your rooms, we have a lot to do before this evening. Jacque you will take Daniel and help him in getting ready, I will help Sariff." (June)

"I look forward to seeing you tonight Sariff." (Dan)

"Quite. Wait!" (Sar)

June had already started to walk out and Jacque and Daniel were following behind her when I shouted. Daniel turned around first and looked at me in concern as I walked over and held out the letter to him.

"Thissssssssssss came for you today Daniel." (Sar)

"Oh alright. Thank you Sariff." (Dan)

I expected him to take the letter and leave but he not only took the letter from my hand he took my hand into his own. I felt my body freeze as he slowly raised my hand, as if giving me the opportunity to stop him, and gently kissed it. He then smiled at me again and I felt my body flood with a warmth that I didn't know I could attain during the winter as he walked out with Jacque.

I heard June tell me to come along and I deftly followed after her as my mind reeled with the fact that Daniel kissed my gloveless hand. He kissed a hand that is covered in scales and he didn't recoil in disgust, he smiled. I felt a smile cross my own face as I thought of his smile with his blue eyes twinkling as they almost always do. Perhaps hope is not as lost as I thought it was.

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