Chapter 5

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Sariff's POV:

For the last hour Jacque has been pacing in my room as I have watched him, while sunning on the balcony. It was one of the only ways to make sure my body temperature was maintained to an extent. I held back a laugh at the thought of Jacque wearing paw print sized holes in the carpet as paces over my decision with the trespasser earlier.

"And if he does return seeking death what then? You will kill him?" (Jac)

"No." (Sar)

"Then why tell him such a thing to begin with?" (Jac)

"Jacque I don't know why I wasssssss compelled to tell him to return after having let him go. I jusssssst did. Now leave me be." (Sariff)

"Sariff, you must not give up hope yet. We still have over 6 months left to break the curse." (Jac)

"I know, but I alsssssso know that with each passsssssing week we each become lessssss human. You, me, and the otherssssss all know thissssss. I can't even sssspeak properly anymore with certain wordssss. No one could love sssssomething like thisssss. Pleasssssse my friend, leave me for now."

I heard him sigh before he headbutted my leg and walked out of the room. It was how he was becoming less human and more cat like, as he had stopped bowing a few months ago and began doing that instead. The others are becoming stiffer and having a harder time move around. This past year alone I have had trouble keeping warm or staying cool and now my language is becoming harder. I let out a sigh that became a hiss as a few tears dropped down onto my horridly scaly cheeks.

Anyone that's come to the castle has fled as soon as they've seen my face, sometimes just a hand or an outline of me will send them running back into the woods in terror. My parents send word every once and while, but they haven't been to see me since before the curse was placed. I will be 21 on the day the curse ends. I have no doubt that I will be dead shortly after that or I will be more serpent than human.

I refrained from sighing again as I climbed onto the roof outside my balcony, removing my cloak and laying on it as the sun from above hit my bare arms and legs. I had taken to wearing mens shirts and breeches with the sleeves cut from the shirts and the legs of the breeches being cut short as well. I did this so when I went out in the sun I could warm myself easier. I hated looking at my body now, as it served only as a reminded of how much of a monster I am, but I had no quicker way to warm myself than this.

The servants complained of the heat if I requested a fire to be lit in the main hall. Though I do not blame them, it's the middle of summer. Everyone else is hot or sweating, but I'm just trying to maintain a normal body temperature. I sigh as I close my eyes as the sun warms me, and for the time being I forgot about the foolish merchant that robbed me of several of the roses from the enchanted bush in front of the castle earlier today.

I don't know why I felt compelled to threaten his life should he not return within a day or two. I had no way to fulfill the threat and I knew that he was not the one that would be able to break the spell. I don't know how I knew it but I just did, however, I still felt the need to tell him I would kill him if he did not return or someone did not come willingly to take his place. The words themselves didn't seem to be mine, but I suppose it was a last effort at finding companionship of some kind, even a prisoner.

Who's to say he shall even return, he has no way of testing whether I can actually come after him, which I can't. I am cursed to remain here in this castle as long as I am cursed. Besides even if I was to leave, I am sure someone would slaughter me out of fear of the monster. I suppose I'll know tomorrow if he reappears ready to take his punishment, if he believed me or not. Honestly, I don't really care one way or the other. I have accepted that I will die cursed, I need only earn out the other's forgiveness for it and try I suppose to find love for their sake.

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