Chapter 3

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Three years later

Sariff's POV:

I was sunning on the roof outside my balcony, watching as birds flew over me. Three years I've been this.....this serpentine monster. I have two more to try and break the curse but how am I ever to do that. I knew he would come today, as he has for the past two anniversaries of my curse, but I think it's simply to torment me further as I'm not any closer to breaking it now than I was when he cast it.

"I thought I would find you out here. Though you should be cautious, there will be snow in another day or two." (Enchanter)

"Hello Enchanter. I have two years left, I know. You may go now." (Sariff)

"Princess Amalie, is that anyway to speak to an old friend?" (Enchanter)

I felt myself grow angry at using that name. That was the named that I use to throw around to get what I wanted. He was the only one that still used it and it angered me because I am no longer that person. She might as well be dead, I might as well be dead.

"That isn't any to think, if you die then there will be no one to free your servants from the curse. Or do you not care about yet?" (Ench.)

"If I die why not free them? They don't deserve your wrath, only I do. Free my friends and you can have my life." (Sar)

"Friends are they? Perhaps you have changed some. I am afraid though that I cannot free them, only you can do that by breaking the curse." (Ench)

"Then you have condemned us all." (Sar)

"Hardly. You have two years yet, but I would hurry the curse will only progress I'm afraid." (Ench)

"Progress......what do you mean?" (Sar)

"Oh looks like I was wrong about the snow coming tomorrow, it's early. Well now you shall see I suppose." (Ench)

I had not the chance to ask him what he was talking about when I realized how cold it had suddenly gotten. I went to stand up just as the snow started to fall, but I found that I was too cold to move much. I looked at the Enchanter who had a grim look on his face before he snapped his fingers and I saw that we were both in my room. He snapped his fingers again and a warm fire started in the fireplace, before he turned back to look at me.

"Keeping your body temperature constant will be harder now, part of the curse you see. Two years left Princess. I would try harder to find someone if I was you." (Ench)

I saw him leave and then crawled slowly over to the fire as I shivered. My forked tongue feeling frozen as it slide in and out of my mouth. I felt tears slip down my face as I realized that I was going to be forever cursed and so would my friends.

Four years later (Four years since the curse was placed)

Sariff's POV:

"Enchanter, I've been expecting you." (Sar)

"I know Sariff. Well you know by now I'm sure. One year left. I truly want you to break this curse, otherwise I would have made it permanent to start with." (Ench)

"I know. But free the othersssss pleasssse." (Sar)

I felt tears slips through my closed eyes as my last two words were hissed. It had started slowly at first these last few months. But now every word with an s always had a slight hiss to it despite what I had tried to do. I heard the Enchanter sigh and I opened my eyes seeing him look at me with slight pity.

"I truly wish I could for I see that these four years have truly changed you but I cannot break the curse. Only you can Princess. I hope to see you before our final anniversary." (Ench)

I watched him leave with tears in my eyes, feeling that I would be seeing him in exactly one year as the curse became complete and my life and the others changed forever. I heard Jacque come in, his paws making a hushed noise on the carpet as he crossed over to me and sat next to me on the small couch in the library. They all knew that the Enchanter visited me on the anniversary every year, but this year he was listening at the door.

"Sariff, don't cry. You tried, and we still have one year left." (Jac)

"Jacque, I'm ssssssso ssssssorry, can you ever forgive me? Can any of you ever forgive me? I wasssss cruel and wicked and I desssserve thisssss but none of you do. Pleasssse forgive me one day if you can." (Sar)

He didn't say anything for a few moments but then he said the words I never dreamed to hear him say. He said he forgave me. I felt more tears fall down my face as he climbed in my lap and placed his head on my shoulder. His best attempt at a hug and I was grateful for it, but I wished the Enchanter had freed them and simply taken me instead.

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