Chapter 4

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Four and a Half Years Later (since the curse was placed)

Daniel's POV:

I was staring up at the sky, thankful for the gentle breeze that was rushing over my tired body as I laid relaxing in the grass. I had been daydreaming about being anywhere other than here, somewhere where my presence wasn't looked down upon. I was pulled from daydreams when I heard a carriage stop then heard the small footsteps that could only one person coming home.

"You do know that you are laying on the grass. Are you stupid Daniel or just plain foolish?" (Bell)

"Hello to you too loving sister. Have a good time at the tea or dance or whatever it was this time?" (Dan)

"It was a ball and it was a great time, though for someone as uneducated as you I doubt you would have enjoyed it much. The conversation turned to books at one point and what could you say about them other then what they're made of." (Bell)

I sighed as she laughed, continuing into the small house that had been ours for a few years now. Father had always favored her over me, ensuring that she received an education while I stayed home and worked. I think it's because she looks exactly like mother, and she's his princess of course. I sighed as I kept laying on the soft green grass of late July, staring up at the stars as they danced above me.

I heard father yell for me to come inside and I let out another sigh. I doubt he wanted to wish me a happy birthday, though I was turning 24 this evening. Normal fathers would at least be pushing me to marry and settle down but he's content to see Bell get the man of her dreams, while I'm fine being alone in his eyes.

"Get to sleep boy, I'm leaving in the morning to meet a ship that has come in with some of my goods and to collect a dowry for Bell. I'll need you to do the work tomorrow for both of us."

"Yes father."

"Now, Bell was there anything you wanted me to bring you extra tomorrow?"

"Roses father! I need the petals to make the rose water for my hairs that Gaston loves so much."

"Very well then my little princess you shall have them. Now off to bed with you my dear. You too Daniel."

I nodded and went upstairs to my room before stripping out of my clothes into a pair of breeches to sleep in, before opening the window to cool off the room some. I let out another sigh as I thought about the life I one day wanted to lead. Perhaps in my dreams it will be easier to achieve.


I was running after a beautiful maiden in a garden that had a large rose bush well protected by a little wooden fence. Her laugh was like a tinkling bell and her brown hair fell down in soft curls on her back as I chased after her laughing along with her. I lost her as she went around the rose bush and was met face to face by a man with piercing brown eyes and seemed to give off a golden light around his body.

"Beauty is not always on the outside, sometimes it is found within."

I started to ask what he meant when he seemed to disappear and behind him was standing a creature that seemed to be more snake than human, except the eyes and hair. The bright green eyes and soft brown hair matched the girl I was chasing earlier. I took a step away from it just as it glared and hissed at me and then I turned to run.

End Dream

I sat up in bed covered in sweat and saw that it was nearly time to get up anyway. I tired to remember what woke me so suddenly but I could only remember chasing a beautiful maiden through a garden. Her eyes a brighter green than I could remember seeing anywhere else, with a beautiful laugh to match her happy features as I chased her.

The smile that the dream placed on my face lasted as I got dressed and even stayed as I worked all day. I thought seeing father return might have dampened it but even as he rode up as the sun was setting it did nothing to take away my smile. I saw Bell rush out of the house with her hands out to get whatever presents he had brought for her.

"Where are my roses father?"

"Here they are my princess, they have cost me dearly but they will help you win Gaston's heart I know."

"How much were they father?"

"My life. I will tell you both the tale inside. First Daniel see to the horse."

I nodded as he walked into the house, Bell following quickly behind him with a worried look upon her face. I unsaddled Dutch and fed and watered him before closing the door on his paddock, making my way back to the house. Then I heard what Bell was nearly shouting at father through the door.

"Make Daniel go in your place! You cannot leave me here with him, he cares not for me like you do! Daniel will surely appease the monster enough in return for the roses you took."

"I cannot force him my princess, he must go willingly."

I froze in my place as I listened to them argue a bit more. I had an idea of how the roses cost my father his life by the time I entered the house. I lit my pipe just so my hands would have something to do, and then began to smoke it a bit as I listened to father's tale. At the end I rose, putting my pipe out, having made my decision when I was outside.

"I will willingly take your place father. I have no wife, no family, as Bell might soon have with Gaston. I will take your place. I leave for the castle in the morning and the monster shall do as it pleases with me. Take rest and peace now father knowing you will be able to care for Bell as long as you're able."

I didn't wait for their answers as I left the room and headed to my own. I was surely going to my own doom tomorrow but I could not seem to worry about it as I thought I would. I knew that I was not exactly wanted here. I wasn't detested but I wasn't wanted either. Perhaps there were better ways to escape being unwanted other than going to live with a monster in a castle, but for now I was content to escape in such a way.

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