Chapter 23

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Daniel's POV:

Just as we walked out into the hallway we heard shouting in the main dining area. Sariff, Amalie I mean, squeezed my hand for a moment before we both took off towards the sound. As we made it into the main dining hall I saw that the staff had apparently been freed from the curse as well, as they were all hugging and shouting one another. As soon as a few of them saw Amalie they rushed towards us and began hugging us both.

"I knew you would be the one to break the curse old boy." (Tom)

"I am quite glad to see you again Master Daniel." (June)

I was not quite sure who everyone was just yet, having been used to seeing them as animate objects rather than people for some time. But I felt no less joy from it nonetheless. I then heard a voice shout over the noise of the room and felt Amalie let go of my hand as it shouted her name again.

"Amalie!" (Jac)

"Jacque!!" (Sar-now Ama)

I watched her run towards the man that I now knew was Jacque, a man with brown hair and brown hair. His eyes seemed to sparkle with merriment as she ran to him, and I wondered how close they had been before the curse. I heard his deep laugh as they hugged one another and I felt a spark of jealousy rush through me at their embrace before she let go of him and took my hand in hers again. Jacque stared at me for a moment as growing tears began shining in his eyes before he clasped me on the shoulder.

"I knew it would be you to break the curse my friend. I always wanted Amalie to find true happiness and she's found it now in you. Thank you." (Jac)

"It was noth-" (Dan)

"You feel in love with a horrible snake Daniel, don't say it was nothing." (Ama)

"You weren't horrible, you were and still are beautiful." (Dan)

I saw Jacque smile a bit at the both of us from the corner of my eye but the rest of my attention was on Amalie. I saw a few tears form in her eyes before she blushed a bit, leaning in closer to me. I leaned down to meet her halfway as we kissed one another again. I heard Jacque say something but didn't pay it any attention at first then the whole hall erupted with cheers.

"To Master Daniel and Princess Amalie!" (Everyone)

I felt her smile into the kiss as they cheered for us, but then I realized what they said. They said Master Daniel which I had grown used to them using a while ago, but they called her Princess Amalie. I pulled away from her as the cheering came to a close and looked at her smiling at me as if I was the only person in the room with her.

"You're a Princess?" (Dan)

"Yes, soon to be Queen of this kingdom when my parents step down, now that the curse has been broken." (Ama)

I found my self frozen wondering if I should bow to her or address her as 'your majesty,' but then I saw her still smiling at me. I realized in that moment that she was still the same Sariff that I had fallen in love with in the library, Princess or not, and she wouldn't want me to act any differently towards her. Though  truthfully I doubt I could act differently towards her as much as I love her as she is.

"Does my title bother you? For if so I would renounce it in a heartbeat." (Ama)

"It doesn't bother me at all Amalie, and I would never have you renounce your title. This kingdom is in sore need of a monarch with such a beautiful heart as your own." (Dan)

"You mean that?" (Ama)

"I really and truthfully do." (Dan)

She leaned in close to me again and I met her halfway as my lips touched hers. The rest of the noise and cheers and laughter around us faded into the background as I kissed her. Nothing else seemed to matter but the two of us. A few seconds later or it could have been an eternity, I wouldn't have known the difference, and we broke from our kiss.

"My Knight in Shining Armor." (Ama)

"My Princess in disguise." (Dan)

She pulled away from me laughing and I soon joined her. I knew in this moment that I wanted only to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful, kind, and wonderful soul. I laughed a bit more as I realized that I had found my own fairy tale, and in a way rescued my princess. Now it was time for my happily ever after with her.

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