Chapter 16

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Daniel's POV:

I looked at the letter on the table and decided that I should open it now rather than later, as it was my sister's handwriting on the table. I sighed a bit as I threw on a dress shirt that Jacque had recommended before he ran downstairs to check on the meal for the night. I can only imagine what this letter will say, but I don't have to imagine it for long.

To whomever must read this to the simple mind that is my brother,
                     Dearest brother, I am writing to invite you my wedding to Gaston. I don't expect that you are still alive or if you are I doubt if that ignorant and foul monster that you are staying with can even read this letter. But, if there is someone present that is able to read it to you, then you should know that the wedding will be in three days time. Father wishes you to come, and so do I of course. Your loving sister. -Bell

I felt the amount of disgust towards my sister and even my father build, knowing that her attitude towards me would never change. I cringe to think about what she would say to Sariff if she ever met her, something that I personally would never allow. It would wound Sariff too deeply to hear someone talk about her in such a way. She already does it to herself far too much, something I hope to help her in stopping. I finish tying the tie that Jacque had also told me to wear along with the dinner jacket.

My outfit is mostly black except for the deep almost royal purple color of the tie. I smoothed the jacket and straightened my tie one last time, just as I heard his meow outside the door. I smiled at my reflection, thinking of how I'd never looked more refined. I can only hope to impress Sariff. I walked over to the door and opened it to find a smiling Jacque as he quickly inspected me.

"Very nice Master Daniel. Now, she will be done in a moment if you'd like to wait for her in grand dining room." (Jac)

"Of course Jacque and thank you." (Dan)

He purred a bit and then disappeared out of sight, no doubt to check on something for later tonight. I walked into the grand dining hall to find it absolutely spotless, with everything from the table setting to the dance floor being perfectly designed. Jacque does do a good job of things it seems. I heard a soft voice followed by slow and steady footsteps coming down the grand staircase before I turned and laid eyes upon the most beautiful creature imaginable. Sariff.

Sariff's POV:

"I look ridiculousssssss. The black one would have been a better choice." (Sar)

"Nonsense. This one looks perfect on you, and it's long sleeved so no worries of catching a chill. And it brings out the color of your eyes." (June)

"And my scalessssssss." (Sar)

I watched as June either seemed not to hear me or pretend I said nothing as she oversaw one of my ladies maids, Martha, fix my hair. She had chosen, fought for, and won the fight for the royal purple dress that I was now wearing. It was beautiful and when I was human it was one of my favorites because it did make my green eyes pop, but she seems to have forgotten that now I'm covered in green scales, everything pops.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror feeling more and more stupid by the minute for agreeing to this as my tongue slithers out and in, all while my neck and face pop in contrast to the purple dress as much as my eyes do. They had painted my nails, for lack of a better word, with a soft silver color and was now working on putting my hair into an intricate braid design with a small but genuine tiara of mine.

I closed my eyes again, waiting for them to finish when I heard the clock chime go off meaning that it was time for me to be heading down there and they weren't even done with my hair. I heard a meow at the door and told Jacque to come in. He purred a bit seeing me, and smiled his sneaky little grin he does so well.

"He is waiting for you downstairs mistress. You look beautiful." (Jac)

"I feel I look sssssstupid." (Sar)

"Oh dear I doubt Daniel will feel like that. Trust me, he was very excited about asking you to this tonight." (June)

I gave her a soft nod as a small smile formed on my face, thinking of how he kissed my hand earlier. I was finally told I was done and I stood, smoothing out the front of the ballgown one last time before heading downstairs. I took one last deep breath, hearing Jacque wish me a quiet goodluck, before descending into the grand dining hall on the large staircase. I looked up and caught his gaze with mine and immediately felt my face flush. He smiled and met me halfway down the staircase offering me his arm like any true gentleman of the court would do for a lady.

I smiled at him as I took his arm and he walked with me down the staircase. He then pulled out my seat for me at the table and sat down next to me, barely looking anywhere else other than my face. I was beginning to worry that this purple dress was in fact drawing too much attention to my cursed green scales when he began talking.

"Sariff you look absolutely beautiful in that dress. Even more so than you do every day." (Dan)

"Th-thank you Daniel. You look very handssssssome tonight too." (Sar)

I felt my face flush just as his seemed to as well as the meal was brought out. I sent up a silent little prayer that tonight would go as well as it could go. I had fallen in love with him, that much I know but in order for the curse to break he would have to love me in return and I don't know if he does or not. How could he really?

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