Chapter 6

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Daniel's POV:

I made no attempt at crying at the goodbye as did neither my sister nor my father. I gave them each a stiff hug before I let off towards the castle, with the map and instructions that father had written for me. A few hours later and I was in front of a large metal gate that seemed to have a face just as father had spoken of.

"I have come to fulfill my father's promise, let me pass." (Dan)

"Enter you shall but exit you may not young one." (Tom)

I paused as I heard the older sounding voice come of the gate. As I rode through the open gate, I felt goosebumps rise on my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I was greeted with a small but stately looking castle with two wings on either side of me. It looked dreary though, as if it was depressed or ill. I saw a small stable off to the left and rode Dutch towards it, pausing as the door was opened a voice told me to leave the horse. I nodded and voiced my thanks as Father had told me to do before I walked towards the castle door.

I saw the beautiful rose bush, the one that father had picked the roses from and earned me a spot here in the 'monster's clutches. It was quite beautiful to behold but I knew better than to pick any. I walked up to door knocking twice before the door was gently opened for me. I walked in and placed my cloak and hat on a small table before walking into what was the main hall I suppose. I saw pillars along the side with another hallway shrouded in darkness alongside it. I sat in a small chair just as voice told me to wait a moment and its mistress would be down.

I saw a dark brown cat rush out of the room and I wonder why I could hear its paws on the floor and not the person who spoke. Though now that I think about it, father didn't mention anyone else in the castle except for the supposed monster or horrible beast as he called it at one point. I waited for a few moments more before the cat darted back into the room and sat across from me a few feet away staring at me before glancing back towards the dark hallway. Then I heard the footsteps of who I suppose was the mistress of the castle before a strange voice spoke out from the darkness.

"Who are you and why are you here?" (Sariff)

Sariff's POV:

" must come quickly......there is a young man.......inside foyer.......come come." (Jac)

"Jacque have you gotten into the wine again? What nonsensssse do you sssspeak of?" (Sar)

"Just come please!" (Jac)

I watched with amusement as he turned and ran back down the stairs and into the foyer. The last time he drank wine he ran around the castle yelling that something was after him only for him to realize after a few hours that it was his tail. It was quite an amusing night. I smiled at the memory before I tasted a new scent on the air. I froze behind one of the pillars thankful that the candles weren't lit right now as I saw that Jacque was telling the truth.

A young man with dark blond almost brown hair and bright blue eyes was sitting in one my favorite reading chairs. Staring at Jacque who had yet to move away, still seeming to try and catch his breath. We haven't had a willing visitor in years, so who is this that sits here so calmly.

"Who are you and why are you here?" (Sariff)

"I am Daniel Johns, and I have come to take my father's place as prisoner for his crime. I am here of my own free will." (Daniel)

"Ha. That is only becausssse you have not yet looked upon my face. Daniel Johnsssssss." (Sariff)

I saw the look of confusion pass over his face as he heard my voice hiss out the words with s in them and I momentarily hate myself for not being able to control it anymore. He will run from fear as soon as he sees me, and for a moment I think of speeding the process up but then I see Jacque begging with his eyes as he stands behind the man and I change my mind. I must try, if not for me then for my friends that are also cursed.

"Then show me, come into the light." (Dan)

"You are not ready for that. My sssservants will ssssshow you to your room. We will meet later perhapssssss. Good day Daniel." (Sariff)

I had turned and had started to leave the room when I heard him stand from the chair so suddenly it fell backwards. I was prepared to run away before he could catch a glimpse of me, and run away from the castle in fear, but he didn't make any further movement towards me as he shouted at me.

"Wait! Wait, please at least tell me your name." (Dan)

"Sssssariff." (Sariff)

I hissed my name at him and he tilted his head as he nodded before wishing me a good day and setting the chair back up. I hear Jacque introduce himself and then heard Daniel's sound of surprise and I wish I had seen his face but I couldn't risk him seeing mine not yet. He must at least get to know me, perhaps as a friend, before he would be willing to look at me without wanting to run away. It is the only chance I have at breaking the curse.

Daniels POV:

I heard the voice say her name, Sariff. But she said it very oddly, just as she said a few other things a bit oddly. Perhaps English was not her first language. I was interrupted by my thoughts as the same voice that spoke earlier spoke again, except this time I saw it was coming from the dark brown cat.

"If you'll follow me I'll show you to your rooms Master Daniel." (Jac)

"A talking cat?!?" (Dan)

"Of sorts I suppose. You'll find that every servant in this castle is a talking something. I just happen to be a cat. Now follow me if you'll please." (Jac)

I slowly nodded as he walked into the front hallway and towards what was the East wing of the castle. I heard someone welcome me to the castle and turned to see a candlestick with sparkling eyes and a welcome smile stare at me. I nodded in thanks and soon realized that we were walking past all manners of enchanted things, like feather dusters and brooms that were sweeping on their own. Two suits of armor playing chess, and I realized that this wasn't any castle.

"An enchanted castle." (Dan)

"Hmmm quite. Now this will be your room. You appear to be the same size as I once was so the clothes in the dresser shall do nicely. I do not know whether the mistress will be joining you for dinner but it's at 6 in the main dining room we passed on the way here. I'll send someone to escort you if you wish." (Jac)

"Uh yes please. Do you mean you used to be human then if you were the same size as me." (Dan)

"Well at least you're not dumb, mistress would have been distraught if you could not at least figure out you're in an enchanted castle with items that used to be human. I'll leave you to rest and perhaps see you at dinner." (Jac)

I nodded before he head bumped my leg and walked out of the door, it closing softly behind him. I stared at the closed door for a moment before I walked over to the window and looked down at the garden and then across to the west wing of the castle. I saw the curtain on the open balcony across from mine sway some as if someone had just been behind it but were gone now and I wondered if it was the mistress that lived there or another enchanted being. I wonder if the mistress was a witch and that was why everything was enchanted.

I felt a chill settle in my bones as I thought of what she'd enchant me into before I felt a sense of peace flood me. If she was going to enchant me she would have already done so I'm sure of it. I smile as I open the window and feel the soft summer breeze warm against my skin. I think I will like it here. It is the start of the adventure I always wanted and I don't feel unwanted here, I feel like I belong.

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