Chapter 20

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Sariff's POV:

The two weeks that Daniel promised have come and gone, the curse ends in a mere three days. I have spent the last few days with my staff, crying and apologizing as they all become stiffer and less able to move. They have each forgiven me but it does not lessen the burden on my heart at all as they cry with me.

I know that I have failed them but I cannot hate myself for it, for I know that I could not have kept him here knowing he wanted to leave. I loved him and I could not have done that to him. The curse on myself had not progressed at all until this morning, when I awoke and my eyes, though still green, were identical to a snake's eyes with vertical pupils. I had felt tears leak from my closed eyes after that, but I knew that it was my own fault for not being able to break the curse.

I had requested that Jacque come to my room as soon as he could and a few minutes later he walked in wearing a mournful expression for even a cat. Though I would never blame him, as there was little to be happy about among the palace walls these past few days. He jumped up next to me on the bed and we were both silent for a moment before I turned to look at him. I saw his eyes go wide for a moment before he nudged my hand.

"It's alright meowstriss." (Jac)

"No it'ssssss not Jacque. I have done many thingssssss to wrong you, when I sssssshouldn't have. You were my firsssssst and only friend when we were children Jacque and I sssssshouldn't have let the idea that beauty and sssssstatussss mattered more than that." (Sariff)

"You were always meow friend meowstriss." (Jac)

I felt more tears fall from my eyes and watched as they fell from his as well, before I picked him and gave him a gently hug. We both knew that our chances of breaking the curse were becoming slimmer with each passing hour now. His speech had decreased dramatically over the course of a day or so and I knew that by the end of the curse he would be nothing more than a cat just as I would be nothing more than a snake.

"I meowst go help in the kitchen Sariff. June cannot get around as easily as she once could." (Jac)

I nodded a bit before gently kissing his head and letting him go from my embrace, wiping the tears from my eyes right after. He nudged my shoulder with his head a bit and purred before slowly leaving the room. I felt my feet carry me to the library as my heart yearned for Daniel. I had one last thing I knew I wanted to do before it became too late.

I sat at the small writing desk in the corner of the library and pulled some paper and ink out as I looked once more into the snow-covered garden. This castle was mine to do as I wished the day I turned 18, and now that it appears the curse will never be lifted, I have only one thing I wish to do with it all.

A few minutes later I finish my letter and grab a small copy of Romeo and Juliet off the shelf, sliding it into the book and placing the book on the small couch. I know that should Daniel ever return, he would be sure to come in here and then he will find it. I felt a more tears fall from my eyes before I forced myself out of the library and back to my staff so that I will have someone to cry with.

**************DAY BEFORE THE CURSE ENDS*******************

Sariff's POV:

I was sitting in the main dining room with the remaining servants that could still make it there, I had already spoke with and visited the rest. Apologizing for what may be the last time for many of them. I had woken up expecting to be more transformed but was surprised when I had remained the same. Perhaps my part of the curse simply takes longer for on the others it has continued quickly.

Jacque had woken this morning to find that he could no longer speak and tears had fallen from both of our eyes after that discovery. I had such guilt upon my heart, knowing that their curse is my fault as it was meant to be curse only for me and yet they received part of it as well. I felt tears escape my eyes as I apologized them to one last time before excusing myself from the room.

I found myself in the library on the balcony, staring out at the snow-covered gardens, knowing that tomorrow my curse would end one way or the other. I can't hate Daniel for not returning, for who would ever want to return to such a prison as this. I wipe away a few more tears from my eyes as I see the sun beginning to sink lower into the sky, knowing that tonight would be the last night for my friends to be somewhat human. Tonight would be the last of many things I suppose.

Daniel's POV:

I had stopped for the night again, having gotten a bit lost yesterday and only finding the right path to take late this afternoon. I wanted to be at the castle as soon as possible, but I also wanted to give Dutch a bit of a break. I loosened his saddle as I leaned against the wood of the tree, sliding down it to sit on the dry brown earth underneath it. I heard his soft nicker as my eyes slide closed, knowing that I would see Sariff by tomorrow.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room at the castle and a smile graced my face. I ran to my window and looked across to see Sariff, plain as day standing on the edge of her balcony. I almost ran down the hall to get to her room, seeing the snow start to fall but amazingly I heard her voice just as easily as if she was standing next to me.

"Why did you not save me Daniel?" (Sar)

"Save you, from what Sariff?" (Dan)

"My curse." (Sar)

I only blinked before I found myself in the library and saw Sariff on the ground just as I had once before. I ran to her knowing in my heart that it was too late that she was gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to meet the brown eyes of the man with the golden shimmer as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"You should not wait much longer in these woods. Hurry back to her. Or her curse and fate may be sealed forever." (Enchanter)

Just as before I felt my eyes snap open and I jumped up as Dutch seemed to snap to attention as well. I quickly tightened his saddle and climbed back on before urging him to go onward through the wood towards the castle. If I hurried him along we could be there by mid-afternoon or sooner. I thought for a moment that I saw the man from my dream a few feet to my left as I urged Dutch to go faster, but thought nothing of it as thoughts of Sariff flooded my mind.

"I'm coming my love." (Dan)

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