Chapter 8

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Sariff's POV:

Daniel has been living here for just over two weeks now, and we've been having reading lessons every day since he arrived. I was having dinner with him tonight, well sort of. I said I would join him for dinner after his lesson today but I'll be going in something more covering than my cut off pants and sleeveless top. Though I'm close to shedding again as my scales are now grey in color and this much clothing makes me want to claw them off. I know not to do that though, having done it only once and my skin, well my scales were sore and bloody for days after. It has to shed on its own, I only wish it wasn't so dry tonight.

I stare at the long sleeved dress, boots, and thick black cloak with black gloves I had picked out to wear. I had only the gloves to put on and the hood to pull up and I was ready. I heard the small clock on the wall chime telling me it was time to go to dinner, and I forced myself to leave my room and the safety it offered.

I took a deep breath in the hopes of calming my nerves before I pulled the hood up and walked down to the dining room for dinner. It was the first time he will see me, so to speak. I saw him rise when I walked in, his smile faltering only for a moment before he offered me a small bow. I returned his gesture with a curtsy before sitting in the chair at the opposite end of the table.

"Dinner is served." (Jac)

"Thank you Jacque. It lookssssss lovely." (Sar)

I saw him purr a bit at the compliment before turning to leave the room, no doubt to tell the chef that I approved of the food. I remember the first time I thanked one of the servants. I thought at first I had grown horns in addition to my forked tongue the way they stared at me in shock. Now they are simply happy to see that I'm happy I suppose.

Dinner passes mostly in silence as we eat, both of us nervous perhaps, or at least that is my reason for my silence. I hate speaking much because my language skills becoming harder to control and I'm honestly worried that the cloak will be a topic of discussion. With dinner and desert finished we both sit near the window, looking at the stars and the full moon as it shines down on the garden just outside the window.

"I'm glad to finally meet you in person Sariff." (Dan)

"I'm glad you are glad Daniel. I will not lie I did not want to come but I am glad I did." (Sar)

"May I ask why the cloak though Sariff?" (Dan)

"No, you may not." (Sar)

"It's a shame I don't always do what I should then isn't it. Why are your wearing the cloak Sariff? It's been nearly three weeks and I have yet to meet you face to face." (Dan)

"I sssssssaid no Daniel. Leave it be." (Sar)

"But I want to meet you properly, please Sariff take off the cloak." (Dan)

I saw him make a move towards me as if he would take off the cloak if I would not and I felt my heart clench in fear as I turned towards him and hissed in warning. I felt shock at myself having never done that before as tears began to fall from my eyes, realizing that I truly am becoming more snake like than human now.


"Sariff it's alright." (Dan)

He stepped close to me and I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood to keep myself from hissing in warning at him again. I backed away from him as he stepped closer. I still did not know his intention in getting close to me and I could not face the possibility of his running from me in fear. I couldn't do it.

"NO GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Sar)

I backed away from him before sprinting out of the room and towards the library. Why I chose the library instead of my own room I don't know. I only know that the library was were my heart was telling me to go. I sprinted up the carpeted staircase and to my favorite corner, shrouded in complete darkness as the candles were all out, and cried. I felt the hot tears roll down my cold scaly cheeks and it only made me cry more. I heard footsteps enter the library before I looked up and saw his silhouette in the moonlight.

He was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands before he runs a hand through his hair. I wished for a moment to be able to do that do, run my hands through his hair. Knowing that I would never get too, because I'm a monster. I heard him sigh before he looked up towards my corner of the library, where I was currently.

"Sariff, I'm sorry I tried to force you. Forgive me, I will never mention the cloak again. I swear." (Dan)

"Ssssssswear it pleassssse." (Sar)

"I swear on my life I will never try to make you reveal yourself to me again. I will wait until you want to. Please forgive me." (Dan)

"I....I forgive you." (Sar)

"Friends again then Sariff?" (Dan)

"Friendssssssssss." (Sar)

I held my breath after I said that, then I smiled as I saw him smile in the moonlight. He wanted to be friends with me after all, even if he could never see my face. Perhaps I could live as a monster as long as I had a friend. I know that I have little chance of breaking the curse but I could survive under it as long as I have a reason to.

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