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the door opened and revealed namjoon with a big smile on his face.

"hey ladies! welcome to the... party." his smile faltered as soon as he sees minhee with her makeup.

she breathed heavily and pursed her lips into a smile and noded her head.

namjoon stepped aside to let them inside and the four entered the party. 

minhee wanted to dash to her home immediately. the living room reeked of alcohol and there were already people flirting with another. a boy seemed to have himself hunched over a potted plant as minhee heard gagging from him. 

shivers ran down her spine as she gulped as she followed the three girls.

if she thought the living room was bad, the main room was way worse. there was a sea of people crowding the area and jumping to the music with beer spilling everywhere. minhee looked to search for her friends, but they were no where to be found. she started to panic as she dashed around the lower level of the house for a while before entering the kitchen, which held some boys doing beer pong. 

minhee grabbed a red solo cup from the kitchen island and filled her cup with water as she gulped it down in an attempt to calm herself.

she heard a slapping sound as she lifted down the cup to reveal a boy way too close to her.

"hey~" he purred as he surrounded her with his arms.

minhee blinked as she squirmed. "e-excuse me..."

"y'know... there's a slow dance that's going on right now," he put his hand around her waist.

minhee froze.

"hey bambam! it's your turn!!"

she sighed in relief as the boy scoffed and let go of her. she dashed out of the kitchen and tried to find a safe spot. she felt a hand on her forearm as she yelled out in fear.

"heyyy... it's just me!" eunbin smiled lopsidedly.

how did she get drunk already? it's only been twenty minutes. "oh, hey."

"my favorite song is on!!! come dance with usssss.... i found a really hot guy with huge shoulders and! and..." she faltered off into a giggling mess as she dragged minhee to the dance floor.

"eu-eunbin, i don't dance..." minhee stuttered as she pulled back. 

unfortunately, eunbin still had enough strength to pull you into the crowd. minhee gasped for breath as she felt herself being pushed around and alcohol spilling on her outfit. 

she spotted a nearby open door bathroom as she leapt from the drunken crowd. minhee entered the bathroom hastily as she slammed the door and slid down the bathroom wall. 

"i can't... i can't survive this..." she gasped out, getting up to wash her face.

after what seemed like forever of scrubbing the makeup off her face, she breathed in and out to calm herself from her previous panic. she felt around her pants for her phone, but felt nothing.

"oh no," she whispered. minhee shook her head in disappointment as she slid down the wall again.

"maybe i can just sleep it off..." she said, starting to drift off to sleep.

she then heard a click at the door.

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