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Namjoon hit his head on the desk in irritation as Yoongi made a note of how many deaths there had been in two weeks. "They're getting less." He said, a tinge of hope in his voice.

"But they haven't stopped completely, have they?" Namjoon asked, his head still on the desk. Namjoon bossed around a unit of four people in the Seoul police force. Yoongi was one of them. There was also Jimin and Taehyung. He was the fourth. They had been in charge of hunting down the killer who had the whole world in shock. Word was he was on the move, trailing down to Busan, but Namjoon didn't believe that. "We need someone to go investigate the crime scene. Do you reckon it's the same guy?"

"One stab wound in the lung. No clothes. Probably." Yoongi shrugged. He'd lost his enthusiasm for the case, though he still stayed on. "Why don't we send Jimin out? He won't mind."

"On his own?" Was all Namjoon needed to say.

"He could take Taehyung." Yoongi sat on the desk. "He isn't afraid of anything."

"You want to send the biggest losers you know to go hunt down a sadist with no heart?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "whatever you say, Yoongi."

"I think it went well." Jin took a seat, sitting at Hoseok's desk more confident than he'd ever been.

"You walked in halfway through a helpless moment." Hoseok looked up at Jin, locking eyes, "you invaded a time for him in which he was in pain and vulnerable to any attacks. At that moment in time, he needed to be alone to cope with himself and his mind. You climbing in through his window intruded his time alone. He would have needed and wanted you to leave at that point, so he agreed to join to make you leave so he could be alone."

Jin went quiet, awkwardly. He thought about it for a bit. He cleared his throat. "I'd best be off then. Gotta go tell everyone else we have a new guy in town. And I'm hungry. I'll be off to McDonald's if you want anything."

"I want you to promise me something." Hoseok said, still not removing eye contact with Jin, "I want you to promise that when the kid gets here, you say nothing about what you walked in on. Don't bring it up ever. You've made him vulnerable once, and I want him to be comfortable here. Understand?"

Jin nodded, understanding completely. He joked about ordering McFlurry or something for him, then left, smiling.

Jungkook screamed into a pillow, mad at the whole world. Mad at himself for accepting the offer, mad at Jin for giving the offer, mad at the police force for not finding him yet. He wanted to kill again, but he wasn't sure if it was just the urge or for the punishment. He didn't have to kill anything. He just had to stab something. His knife was still stained, but he grabbed it anyway. He didn't need to bring his bag for something that wasn't a kill. He locked his door behind him and left.

Taehyung and Jimin also left, hoping to find something. As they strolled to the scene of the crime in silence, they kept an eye out. Who knew what they'd find. It was only when they turned the corner into an empty street that Jimin stopped really suddenly, a hand stretching to grab Taehyung's sleeve. "Wait," he warned, glancing around nervously.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked, turning around to look where Jimin was looking.

Jungkook stopped in the doorway, making direct eye contact with Taehyung, who took a step backwards. His eyes flickered between the two, focusing on their uniforms. He was terrified of people of authority. Any mass murderer would be. He still had that urge to stab something, and decided it was probably better now than never.

"Is that him?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin, too loud though. Jungkook heard, ran forward and punctured someone with the knife, before booking it down the street. Taehyung, panicking, let him go, bending down to see of Jimin was okay.

"Why are you down here?" Jimin was breathing heavily and was shaking, forcing himself to stay awake even though the pain begged him to pass out and avoid it. "Go get him."

"Later." Taehyung promised him, pulling out his phone to call an ambulance, "later, I swear."

Jungkook managed to run straight into Jin, backing up a bit. "Oh, you again." He mumbled, honestly less enthusiastic to see him than he could've been.

"What's got you in a rush?" Jin asked, not knowing whether he should be happy to see him or not.

Jungkook didn't answer, just asked where Jin was going and decided to tag along with him, making himself seem as normal as possible. He'd dropped his knife back where it happened, but he was pretty positive he wasn't dead. Still, if he was in need of punishment, he needed to make himself feel better first, since it was still too soon since the last one. So he went along with Jin and listened to him speaking, sometimes joining in. Surprisingly, he was actually enjoying the conversation. He felt normal. His wrist, which kept rubbing against his sleeve and stinging, was ignored the more the talk went on.

There was a connection. Jungkook could tell. He liked Jin, he thought he was funny. He almost instantly recognised him as a father figure or an older brother. The thought was strange. When was the last time he'd seen Junghyun? Years, probably. That seemed right. Not since he was a kid. Jungkook wondered if he was still alive. He thought about getting back in touch, but since he always refused to kill, he probably wouldn't be happy to speak to him. Junghyun. He barely even thought about his name.

Funny. You always seem to forget the most important things.

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