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Jungkook had killed again. He slammed the door of his apartment and practically threw his shoes. He was getting it done quick today. Although he didn't want to show up with an aching arm, he knew he had to do it. Clothes into the washing machine, knife dumped into the sink, into the bathroom. He needed a lot of punishment, didn't he? He killed someone that morning, stabbed someone, who's in hospital now, and he kidnapped someone. And he liked that someone.

Which was four. He got the blades out and rolled his sleeve up. He donned long sleeves often, apart from when he was sleeping or got too warm. When he was killing people, he didn't think it was right to be afraid of the one with scars all on his arm.

There was only clean space left on his veins. He took a deep breath and ran across the faint blue lines vertically. He looked himself in the eyes in his bathroom mirror over his sink and willed himself to get over it. He'd gotten one done.

That was for murder.

The other one was horizontal, opening the scar from yesterday again. It hurt more to draw a new cut onto himself. The pain was nearly unbearable and he still had two more to get done.

That was for stabbing someone.

The next one was on the palm of his hand, cutting deep and slow. He was still holding his breath and was near lightheaded from lack of oxygen and the pain. He wanted to just go back to bed. Or rather die. Either would do.

That was for kidnapping.

The last one was a long vertical line across all his other scars. This one hurt the most. It was uneven and shaky. It was the worst because he couldn't believe himself when he thought about the guy. And how he liked him. A lot.

That was for being an idiot.

He stabbed the blade straight into his shoulder, too close to his heart. He pushed it in deep and then pulled it out again. There was blood absolutely everywhere.

That one was for the hell of it. There's never too much punishment.

He dropped the blade into the sink and looked at his hands, dripping with blood. He could barely think or breath. He was really light headed. He picked up the blade again. He'd started and couldn't stop. He drew it to the side of his neck. It wouldn't be fatal. He scratched up the side of it and across his face, up to his hair line and then stopped. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he forced them back.

Blood dripped down his forehead, mixing with the salt his eyeballs were producing. He was shaking so bad. It hurt so much. Every inch of his body was in pain. He really just wanted to go back to bed, when the bathroom door opened. Jungkook didn't look, just kept his head down. There was a long five second silence, but then whoever it was ran up to him. And hugged him.

And Jungkook felt so guilty about everything he just started sobbing.

Taehyung was waiting, alone. The person he recognised as Baekhyun had left two hours ago. He knew he'd be better off alone than interact with anyone, but he so badly wanted someone to talk to that it made his heart hurt. There was something about his loneliness and the silence of the room that just built up on him. It was hard to breath and it felt like the walls were closing in.

When Baekhyun came in, he had two others behind him. Taehyung vaguely recognised them. One had a camera and one had what looked like a weapon. Baekhyun held him back whilst the one with the weapon beat him close to unconsciousness. Taehyung's lungs and ribs hurt too bad. He had read once about someone's lung getting snapped and poking a whole in the lung. He wondered if that was the case.

Baekhyun had only said "we'll wait" before leaving Taehyung there to wallow in his own self pity.

Namjoon sat back in his chair, trying not to cry. Honestly, he acted like he couldn't give a shit half the time, but he didn't like watching Taehyung get hurt on live broadcast. He'd pay them what they wanted, but Yoongi might snap his neck, so he waited to confer with him. In the meantime, he ran over the faces he'd seen.

He recognised Baekhyun immediately, there wasn't a person in Seoul who didn't fear him or admire him. Holland was another familiar face, but he only knew that from Taehyung getting snatched just yesterday. He also recognised Jay's voice behind the camera. Everyone knew Jay. He'd committed that many crimes, it was hard to keep track of his worst one.

Of course, to recognise his voice brought back the embarrassing memory of the time Namjoon was drugged to fall asleep and Jay managed to make a runner out of interrogation. Namjoon, obviously, blamed it on himself. Taehyung always told him it couldn't possibly have been his fault, and nobody was to blame. Taehyung probably secretly thought it was his fault.

If anything happened, there was always a part of Taehyung who said he was entirely at fault.

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