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He knew he shouldn't eavesdrop on conversations, but Jay was too curious to pass up an opportunity, so he had to listen. He stood quietly, listening to Jungkook admit his punishments. Jay hadn't seen Jungkook when he came in, but he'd been told by Baekhyun that he looked like he'd been to hell on a vacation and got stopped by a three-headed dog on the way back.

Baekhyun had a certain way of explaining things that beat anything Jay'd ever heard.

Jungkook seemed like the kind of person who'd citizen arrest himself. That was what Jay was getting from this. In his opinion, murder wasn't even that bad. Then again, it wasn't his place to judge. He worried, though. He worried that if Jungkook repeated what he had apparently done this morning, he wouldn't last three days. Which was a shame.

Jay didn't think he'd get the chance to meet Jungkook. He wasn't even part of the gang, just dropped by every so often to help out with chores or to just talk. He wanted to introduce himself to the new kid, maybe become friends with him. Unfortunately, his only interaction with him was about a second after he'd collapsed the previous night, which was when he practically dragged him home.

"Taehyung, right?" Jungkook asked, leaning his head against the wall, "any family?"

Taehyung smiled a bit. "Cousins." He said, remembering how much of a handful they all were. They were fun to be around, though. He wondered whether they'd heard of his situation yet. He wondered whether they missed him. "They're cute, but tiring."

Jungkook chuckled. He imagined what it was like to have a good relationship with family. Of course his relationships were top notch. They were both dead. He didn't know what happened to his mom, but he was willing to bet anything that she was probably dead as well. He looked back at Taehyung, his scars aching.

He never got the chance to numb them. Jin told him he didn't even have to show up and that Hoseok would totally understand if he didn't. But thinking that Hoseok wouldn't understand at all wasn't the only reason Jungkook forced himself to come.

Yoongi realised that he was still holding Jimin's hand. He let go, but Jimin, half asleep and half awake, pulled it back to his chest, over his heart. "You're warm, Yoongi." He mumbled, not opening his eyes. Yoongi didn't say anything. He just watched the small smile on Jimin's face as he hugged Yoongi's arm and slowed his breathing.

He didn't fall asleep though. The anaesthetic had made him drowsy, but not enough for him to go to sleep. It was more relaxing to sit with his eyes closed, though, so he did. Yoongi, though, thought Jimin was talking in his sleep. He was thinking of him. He wasn't wrong. Since Jimin had been put in hospital, Yoongi had been the only thing he thought about. He worried for him. He was sure if he spent one more day in hospital, Yoongi would die of loneliness.

Yoongi had always been there for him. Since they got stuck as roommates and since they both joined the police force, he'd always stood up for him against anything. He'd never left his side. Everyone knew that of anything were to happen to Jimin, Yoongi was the first person to call. To Jimin, Yoongi had been his best friend. When they first met, Yoongi had been, really, his only friend. He trusted him with his life.

Jimin had no idea Yoongi saw him any other way than that. He wasn't expecting a random confession out of the blue. Yoongi was drunk when he confessed, and Jimin didn't take it seriously. He told Yoongi if he meant it, tell him again when he was sober. The next day, Yoongi had the hangover of hell. He stayed in bed all day and it seemed he didn't spare Jimin a passing thought. Jimin could barely hide his disappointment, but managed to mask it.

Things went as normal for about a week, before Yoongi suggested that they go out somewhere for lunch. On the walk home, Yoongi told Jimin everything. He told him he'd really liked him from day one. He told him how stressed out he'd been about his feelings, and how he'd tried so hard to push the down and turn them into something else. He told him how a simple fancy had developed into something so much more. How eventually, he was pretty sure he'd fallen in love. He told him it was perfectly fine if Jimin didn't feel the same way. And that he'd understand.

Despite him saying that, Jimin couldn't help but smile so hard his face hurt. He threw his arms around Yoongi and gave him a smothering hug, squeezing him so tight against him and making sure they were as close to each other as possible. He buried his face in Yoongi's chest and couldn't stop smiling. He was even on the verge of tears. Because after Yoongi's drunken confession, Jimin had realised throughout the week just how much he loved him too.

It took Yoongi exactly twelve seconds to hug back. He was that relieved he could barely breath. And that night, when they got back home, Yoongi made a move. Their first kiss together was slow, and they were both tired and warm. They couldn't be bothered to go to their rooms, so they fell asleep tangled up on the couch with each other.

And Jimin made Yoongi swear he'd never leave him.

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