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Yoongi was beside Jimin's hospital bed, waiting for him to wake up. He held his hand and sat there, hoping. Taehyung was back with Namjoon outside explaining what happened. Yoongi clung onto to Jimin's limp and cold palm and willed him to come to. Occasionally, he'd glance over at Jimin's face. He wanted to kiss him back to life, but he thought it wouldn't work so he didn't.

Jimin moved his hand out of yoongi's clasp and turned over, now directly facing him. Yoongi forgot how to breath, staring down at him and wondering how he could still look so beautiful even though he'd been stabbed and was dying. Yoongi ran a hand through Jimin's hair, pushing it back out of his face for him and smiling a bit. Jimin's eyes twitched, Yoongi's hand darted back to his chest in a panic.

Jimin's eyes flickered open to lay sight on Yoongi's face. He grinned, still laying where he was. "You're here."

"Did you think I'd leave you?" Yoongi asked, bending down and kissing Jimin's forehead. He didn't notice before, but the bedridden Jimin was in a cold sweat. Yoongi wanted do desperately for him to be okay he was nearly brought to tears just looking at him. Jimin tried to sit up, but Yoongi pushed him back down. "Don't move, you might open the wound again."

Jimin nodded, reaching out and taking Yoongi's hand, pressing it to his chest. Yoongi was really warm, which was good since Jimin was trembling and cold. Yoongi squeezed his hand, on the verge of sobbing. He'd already cried too much that day and wasn't ready to start again. "Did they get the guy?" Jimin asked. Yoongi shook his head. Jimin frowned, a serious expression covering his face. "It was him. I'm sure of it. It was Jungkook."

Yoongi nodded, agreeing. It had to be. He must've knew who was on his case. Who was hunting him. He would be coming for someone else next, wiping them all out so he had nobody to worry about. He looked down at Jimin, hoping this murderous psycho never came back for him.

"I don't even know who he was." Jungkook admitted, feeling worse every second. He and Jin were now sat in a McDonald's, Jin resisting eating Hoseok's ice cream and Jungkook hadn't eaten anything. "I don't know who any of the people I killed are. Save for my dad."

Jungkook's father was the only person Junghyun had ever laid a bad hand on. Despite all the crimes he'd committed by the age of fifteen, Junghyun still loved Jungkook and when he caught his father threatening him he jumped in immediately.

Junghyun held his father back whilst Jungkook killed him.

It was the only person Jungkook had ever hesitated to kill. He got double punishments that night, despite Junghyun saying it was his fault and he should take half. The next morning, Jungkook ran away and the two never saw each other again.

Jungkook told Jin all this when he asked what happened. Jin looked really sympathetic and he was silent as he thought about what was said. "You're brother sounds nice." Jungkook nodded, tears threatening as he thought about how much he missed his brother, "Is he hot?"

Jungkook sent a glare over at Jin, who laughed, making some people stare. The same age to call Junghyun from the morning had come back. He nearly did before Jin stood up, grabbing Hoseok's ice cream and saying that they should go. Jungkook nodded, eager to leave before he went and called Junghyun. He didn't know how the conversation would go, but he knew it wouldn't be pretty.

Junghyun had probably forgotten all about him, anyway.

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