열 여섯

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Jungkook left the room shortly after it happened. He closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes and letting his emotions take over. He needed to go home and let them all out somehow. On any ordinary day it would be punishment for hours, but he promised Jin. So instead he went home without telling anyone and put some music on. He hadn't listened to music in weeks, and he'd forgotten how much he loved it. The sound, the vocals, the instrumental, how each song had a meaning and conveyed different emotions.

On the topic of emotions, Jungkook tried to wrap his head over what he was feeling.

The main thing he was feeling was adrenaline. The sort of adrenaline his father got when he killed. A bubbling rush of excitement that filled his entire body and gave him butterflies in his stomach. The other part of him felt a deep longing. He never wanted to leave Taehyung's side. He guessed he didn't really have to, but he needed to rethink everything. His first kiss!

His first fucking kiss!

Then there was the part of him that wanted to cry. Happiness, sadness, who knew? But Taehyung thought he was a good person and could be saved from the dark hole his father and his father's friends fell down. Taehyung kissed him. Which meant he liked Jungkook back, and that broke his heart. What if he lost control one day? Knowing Taehyung liked him meant it was dangerous to know him. If he hated him, he could easily return the hate and if he lost control he'd be easier to kill. But he'd get more punishment than when he killed his father if he killed him now.

He was at an end zone. He didn't even know whether it was like or love. But when Jungkook couldn't love himself, he guessed loving Taehyung would be a fake love.

But that part was dominated by overwhelming happiness. He wanted to tell someone, but he knew Jin would-


The phone was ringing, cutting that thought off. Jungkook picked it up, wondering if the smile on his face could be heard in his voice.

"Where the hell are you?" It was Jin, sounding worried. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Worrying about him seemed to be Jin's favourite hobby.

"I went home." Jungkook answered him. He wasn't going to tell him why he was currently sat on his couch grinning to himself with cheesy love songs playing in the background, but he felt like he at least needed to know where he was and that he had gotten there safely. There was a small part of Jin that reminded him of his mother. Always worrying about him. Jungkook appreciated it, and hoped Jin didn't vanish into oblivion like his mother actually did.

"Why?" Jin pushed for an answer, concerned, "if you were feeling sick, you shouldn't have come in today."

"I'm not sick." Jungkook told him. He was going to be as truthful as he could until he couldn't be truthful anymore. "I thought my job was to sit there and look after Taehyung for a bit and then I was done. I did that, so I just thought I'd go-"

"Did something happen with him that I should know about?" Jin interrupted him. A flurry of panic ran through Jungkook's entire body, but then he realised that there was no way Jin could possibly know. "It doesn't matter. You just could've told me you were leaving."

"Sorry, hyung, next time I will." Jungkook promised, hanging up.

Dropping Jimin on the couch with all the grace of a dying elephant wasn't exactly what Yoongi had in mind, but it was cold, rainy, his legs hurt and he just wanted to go to bed. Yoongi cringed, hoping he hadn't woken Jimin, who he was sure was asleep by now. Jimin didn't move at all. Yoongi sighed. Before he went to bed and slept through the rest of the day, Jimin was getting blankets.

And Yoongi had slept until twelve thirty. He was late (as usual, he was normally late). They had an exact week until Christmas and, although he didn't know it yet, he also had a week until Taehyung's death. He wondered whether Taehyung was okay. He didn't know this as well, but Taehyung had just made out with Jungkook just half an hour ago, so he was doing fine on emotional terms.

But Yoongi couldn't sit there worrying. He had to go to work. So he got dressed into the uniform that didn't come with a sweater to wear whilst it was still raining. Just a shirt and some jeans that clung onto his thighs and were too small in every way. He stumbled downstairs in a rush, though he didn't know why he was rushing. Jimin was asleep, bundled in a ball under the blankets, hugging a pillow and looking like the warmest and most comfortable baby ever. Yoongi had to resist the urge to jump on him and bury himself under the blankets with him and cuddle with him all day, but no. He had to go.

Although one more day off wouldn't matter.

Namjoon wouldn't mind. He'd earned a few holidays, so he called the sick day guy and used taking care of Jimin as an excuse to not show up at work and barricade himself away from the thought of Taehyung's probable death. He'd noticed that the sick day guy was quiet. Too quiet, since he usually rambled for hours. But he didn't worry too much about it since he was probably just tired, stressed or thinking.

Yoongi was careful climbing into the pile of blankets so as not to wake Jimin. He didn't want to hit his wound either. He knew that he should be at work, and couldn't help feeling a small bit of guilt, but the second he had his arms wrapped around Jimin he completely forgot about the guilt and just focused on how cold Jimin was. Jimin unconsciously moved closer to Yoongi, like he always did when he was cold. He would move towards what was warmer.

Now that he knew Jimin was safe and would be fine, his brain trailed to Taehyung. Was he okay? If he was okay, would he stay okay? What did the bastards who stole him have planned for him? Would they hurt him? Had they already hurt him? So many questions that would remain unanswered. Should they attempt to go snatch him back, it probably wouldn't work. Depending on whether Taehyung wanted to stay or not.

Yoongi had pretended not to know he was going through a hard time, and had started feeling bad about it when they went to visit him in the hospital. He couldn't help thinking that he should've payed more attention and maybe he could've saved him. Well, he was still alive, but he still felt Taehyung wasn't saved. And Taehyung had almost done it again so many times afterwards. Yoongi had tried recently to offer him help, but he seemed to be getting better.

If whoever killed Junghyun had never been born everything would be so much better.

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