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Taehyung looked towards the door, turning back to make eye contact with Namjoon. The room was silent, the two staring at each other nervously.

"You heard that too?" Namjoon asked, not removing eye contact with Taehyung.

"Yeah." Taehyung answered. "What should we do?"

"Just don't move." Namjoon told him, slowly moving towards the door, "you stay there. I'll sort this out."

Taehyung nodded, shaking. This was his karma. This was the karma for everything he did wrong. For letting Junghyun die, for letting Jimin get hospitalised. He just hoped Namjoon wouldn't be taken from him. He didn't think he'd be able to live with just Yoongi left.

Baekhyun kicked the door open in Namjoon's face, sending him straight to the ground in shock. He pointed towards Taehyung with his gun, then turned it into Namjoon, ordering him not to move whilst Jungkook and Holland, still looking like a mess, dashed towards Taehyung.

Taehyung knee he had a gun somewhere, but before he could even move, Holland had him round the throat, choking him.

"Jungkook, hold him down before he kicks my teeth out." Holland shouted, but Jungkook was too busy staring. He was looking at Taehyung and Taehyung was looking directly into his eyes. Jungkook could hear his heartbeat in his ears, numbing out everything else. He kept his gaze on Taehyung's face, his breathing speeding up a bit. Holland was shouting at him, but Jungkook didn't do anything until he saw Baekhyun shoot.

Taehyung was out, and Namjoon couldn't do anything about it. What was he supposed to do? Call the police? He watched as the three intruders wrestled Taehyung out of the door, still where he was. Why did he freeze? He should've done something, but instead he froze.

Their guy was right there. Jungkook. He was there and then he was gone. Namjoon should've done something.

Jin was their getaway car, because he didn't really want to get involved in any probable injuries. They shoved Taehyung into the boot of the car, pretty confident he wouldn't wake up. Holland sat in the front, forcing Baekhyun and Jungkook into the backseat. Jungkook was staring out the window, leaning on his hand. Baekhyun was bragging about how much of a good job he did, Holland was fighting back at him and Jin was busy telling them to shut up before he turned the car around and sent them back. Jungkook blocked it out, thinking.

The urge to call Junghyun was back, stronger than ever.

Yoongi picked up his phone, not ready emotionally for whatever call it was. Jimin looked up at him, expectantly. Yoongi agreed with what Namjoon said and hung up. He nearly cried again. He swore under his breath and Jimin reached out and clasped his hand.

"Hyung?" He tried to get Yoongi's attention but Yoongi was staring into space. "Hyung! What happened?" Yoongi glanced back at him, holding eye contact. He bent down and hugged him, squeezing him. Jimin hugged back, though slightly confused.  They both needed it, so they sat in each other's embrace in comfortable silence.

"Taehyung got kidnapped."

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