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Jin stayed still and silent and Jungkook clung onto him, crying himself dry. He didn't really know how to comfort him, so he just hugged him back and waited. Though it wasn't mentioned, Jungkook looked more like death in this minute than Jin ever had done in his whole life. He was ghostly white, trembling, sweating and bleeding. He must've been having a bad day. Jin frowned to himself. He couldn't get his head around Jungkook's self harming. Truthfully, he found it really weird. What kind of murderer actually knows they're wrong? And who punished themselves for it?

Jungkook, apparently, was a very strange person. But Jin wasn't one to judge. He knew there was more to Jungkook that murder and cutting. He was, when you broke him down, a half-decent person. A good friend. Probably a good brother. Jin caught himself feeling really guilty. How was he supposed to know Junghyun had a brother? How was he supposed to tell Jungkook? When he clearly trusted him enough to show him so much emotion and to be so vulnerable right in front of him.

Hoseok was right, Jin did always come in with the right intentions at the wrong time.

Yoongi had fought his way into see Jimin, who was asleep. When the nurses told Yoongi he was asleep, Yoongi told them he didn't care. He just needed to see him. Just watch over him like a guardian angel for a few hours. The nurses didn't really seem to care, so Yoongi just invited himself in. He sat in the most uncomfortable metal chair in the world, lost in his own head. He didn't notice he had Jimin's hand clasped in between both of his until Jimin stirred awake.

He was beaming when he saw Yoongi. His whole face lit up in a joyful smile. It was reassuring to see him there for him. He kept his promise. Jimin was so sure he'd never leave him. In fact, at this point he was convinced he'd fall asleep and when he woke up, Yoongi would be there. "I missed you." He admitted, rolling over. "The nurses changed their minds. They said I'm perfectly fine and I get out later today."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at this information. He didn't have to sleep so many cold and lonely nights after all. He kissed Jimin's forehead and Jimin closed his eyes. "I can't wait to go home." He mumbled, drowsiness from the painkillers suddenly overcoming him again. The anaesthetic had him practically knocked out, he could barely open his eyes again.

"Are you still tired?" Yoongi asked him, stroking a hand through Jimin's hair without even noticing he was doing so. Jimin nodded. "Go back to sleep, then. I'll stay as long as I can."

Taehyung really wanted to go home. He was sat against the wall, poking at his ribs to see which one hurt the most and to figure out if they were broken. It was still hard to breath, but his hair didn't hurt anymore, so that was good. He was sweating really bad, though, and his hair was a mess and his throat had a dark coloured mark where he'd been choked.

He sat pitying himself when Jungkook walked in, looking worse than Taehyung felt. He had blood and cuts all over him. His arm was worse, and there was a big patch of red staining the white shirt he was wearing in his shoulder. His neck and face had a big scar on them as well. He looked like he'd been crying.

"Hi." Jungkook said, forcing a cheery smile onto his face. "You look like hell."

Taehyung wondered how Jungkook could even think when he looked the way he did. He looked so wounded, and there was so much blood. He didn't say anything. Chances were, the way he was, he knew what he looked like.

"Did you ever tell me your name?" Jungkook asked him, sitting across from him so he could look at his face when he spoke to him. Taehyung shrugged, not remembering if he did or not. It hadn't occurred to him before, but he was really hungry and thirsty. If he didn't do something about that, in his condition, he'd be dead in two weeks at the most.

"Taehyung." Taehyung answered Jungkook. Jungkook fought back a smile. So this perfect person had a name. "Are you okay?"

If Jungkook was smiling, he wasn't anymore. Memory of embracing Jin that morning whilst crying into his shoulder flooded back. He felt colour rising to his face, which was odd. He didn't remember ever blushing before. He rubbed his neck awkwardly, accidentally tugging on his wound. He winced, pulling his hand away. How the hell was he supposed to explain what happened? He cleared his throat and blunted out the sentence to its simplest form. "I do bad shit, I need to be punished."

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