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Yoongi arrived with the ambulance, as the police were automatically called with them. Taehyung willed Jimin not to lose consciousness, since Yoongi would flip his shit if he saw Jimin lying passed out on the floor with blood everywhere. Turns out he was still really panicky when he saw Jimin, no matter the causes. Jimin, barely able to keep his eyes open, had to resist telling Yoongi it was fine. It was, quite obviously, not fine. Yoongi almost collapsed at the sight of Jimin, barely even awake. Jimin waved at him, weakly, forcing a smile onto his face. It was a smile that didn't reach his eyes, but it was there to comfort Yoongi.

It didn't work. Instead Yoongi dropped to the ground and threw his arms around Jimin's chest and started sobbing. He cried himself dry, until there wasn't anything left to be. Just an empty shell of a man who had his entire soul ripped from his body in that one waking moment. And it was only when the stretcher came Yoongi looked up again. He locked eyes with Taehyung, who awkwardly offered him a hug. Yoongi accepted, sobbing without any tears. His entire body shook. Taehyung sat and watched the ambulance disappear away. He sighed, letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

Taehyung remembered when Yoongi and Jimin first announced they were dating. He had cried of happiness and Namjoon threw the biggest and most dramatic party any of them had ever attended. Taehyung had to choke back his own tears when he remembered Yoongi talking of engagement just the day before. Wasn't he planning it for today.

Jungkook's head turned as the ambulance sped past him. Jin smiled a bit, but erased it when Jungkook looked back in his direction. "Was that your fault?" Jin asked, barely able to stop himself from grinning.

"He'll live," Jungkook nodded to himself. It was more like self-comfort than actual facts. But he tried to force an edge of confidence into his voice. For purposes of impressing Jin. It didn't work. His voice shook with sudden realisation that the random stranger he'd taken out his temptations on might be dead. He knew what death meant for him. If only he didn't kill. Why couldn't he have been brought up to compliment strangers to death? Why did he need a knife? Then instead of the punishment he could say to himself you did a great job today, Jungkookie. You did a wonderful thing today, Jungkookie.

You saved a life today, Jungkookie.

He'd sell his body to sex traffickers to hear those words once.

"-I said it was stupid, but good ol' Hoseok doesn't listen to anything I say." Jin was talking, apparently. Jungkook tried to make it look like he was listening the whole time, until Jin asked his opinion. Jungkook fell silent, shifting his eyes to the ground.

"What was the question?" He asked, finally giving up.

Jin rolled his eyes and answered, "Hoseok wants to take one of the police force on your case hostage. Keep him as ransom. It was Baekhyun's idea, actually. I think it's stupid, he thinks it'll work. Then we can get money for something fancy. You know who Baekhyun is, right?"

"The guy who crashed the car into seven members of the police force and his best friend and killed them all?" Jungkook knew exactly who Baekhyun was.

"It's why we can't have nice things." Jin laughed at his own joke. Jungkook smiled. Jin had a really funny laugh and it boosted his mood. "Should we do it?"

Jungkook shrugged. He didn't really want to lose the mutual bond he'd built up with Jin so far by saying something he disagreed with, so he stayed silent. But he would've liked to beat one of those police on his case to a pulp for following his every move. He got enough punishments, he didn't need to be stalked along with it.

Some people have no idea what privacy means.

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