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Jin and Jungkook shuffled into Hoseok's office, somehow unnoticed, except from some people mumbling a hello to Jin. They had a plastic container of half melted ice cream that Jin dumped on Hoseok's desk. Hoseok payed no attention to it, instead staring at Jungkook.

"Does he always look so depressed?" Hoseok asked, continuing to talk before Jin could get a word in, "I'm glad you got here now, actually. Jin, go get Baekhyun and Holland for me, thanks. Sit down, Jungkook."

Jungkook slowly sat down into a chair, nervous. Hoseok went on. "I'm really sorry about Jin's intrusion this morning."

"No, it's fine." Jungkook said, mostly lying. It wasn't fine and he really wanted him to leave. But he kinda liked him now.

"Did he tell you what Baekhyun said?" Hoseok carried on before Jungkook could say anything, "I'm sending you with him and Holland. You'll meet them when Jin comes back. It will be easier to work with you if we know you're something to take care of."

The door opened and someone jumped straight to Jungkook, slapping him on both shoulders and putting their faces way too close together, all with the cheesiest smile on his face. "Top of the mornin' to ya, guv'nor." He said in the fakest Australian accent ever, "I'm Baekhyun. You know me, right? I did good, right?"

"Everyone knows you." Another new person said. He was a lot calmer than Baekhyun was, and he sat down in the seat next to Jungkook. "You didn't do good for Chanyeol, though. Poor guy."

Jungkook glanced between the two, wondering how two people so different could both be found in the same room. Jin came in suddenly, slamming the door shut. "No." He declared, staring at Hoseok with that much seriousness and anger it looked like his eyes were going to fall out. Jungkook examined the room, wondering who'd get out alive and who wouldn't. "I heard what you said. You're not taking him to the police and I don't care what for."

"You're so boring!" Baekhyun complained, "why can't you let the kid have fun, for God's sake?"

"It's not fun, it's a death wish." Jin snapped, sitting in Hoseok's desk. Jungkook suddenly remembered something he read about gay people never sitting on chairs, but sitting on everything around said chair.

"You're a fuckin' death wish." Baekhyun whispered under his breath.

Hoseok looked up at Jin and raised an eyebrow. "Problem, Seokjin?"

Jin looked like he was about to implode and slap someone to death. His mouth dropped open as he struggled to find words. "Yes!" He eventually shouted. "Jungkook is practically my new best friend. You're not killing him so early."

Best friend.

Taehyung had always seen Jimin as his best friend, and sitting back in Namjoon's office now, he realised it. He'd always been so supportive of his hyung that he could never imagine saying a bad word towards him. Taehyung had done him dirty so many times in this one day that it made him feel bad. Namjoon paced nervously, occasionally gazing over at Taehyung. Taehyung was scratching at the surface of Namjoon's desk, waiting for him to say it. And if Namjoon didn't say it, Yoongi would.

Why didn't you take care of him?

Taehyung didn't know if he could come up with an honest answer to that. He'd been asked the question so many different times it hurt him to remember it. But he knew it was coming and none of the conversation's in his head had ended well. They all ended like Junghyun. Hard.

Junghyun was Taehyung's old work partner, and he was stabbed to death in an alley by a guy called Kim Seokjin, who had vanished shortly after that. Nobody had ever heard of Seokjin again after. Barely anyone remembered Junghyun, either, since immediately afterwards, a car struck down eight people and killed them all in a 'devastating terror attack that shook the nation.'

Junghyun spoke about his brother often. He always spoke about the way his dad died and how he hoped to reunite with Jungkook one day. Apparently, he had so much to tell him. Junghyun never got the chance to speak to his brother. He told Taehyung everything he wanted to tell Jungkook. He told Taehyung how he so desperately wanted to call Jungkook and check up on him, but he never did for fear that he wasn't alive. If only Taehyung could tell Junghyun now that his brother had stabbed his new sidekick.

It had to be him. Had to be. There was no logical explanation except from bad timing for it happening, but the luck of the Irish said it was definitely Jungkook who stabbed Jimin. Taehyung should've grabbed him right then, but he'd focused more on Jimin. Now a monster was on the loose. And he wanted blood.

Jin lost the fight. Jungkook, Baekhyun, Holland, the other guy, and Jin sat cooped up in the world's smallest car and were slowly trekking their way to the police station. They stopped out side and Jin pushed Holland and Jungkook out of the car. Holland had that much fake blood on him he was barely recognisable. He staggered into the station, Jungkook following after, trying to remember what Hoseok told him to say.

He didn't need to say anything, just run up to the desk and have a hand round Holland's back as he spluttered and wheezed, reaching out for the receptionist. That was when Baekhyun came running in, gun in hand, shooting the receptionist dead and booking it for the stairs.

Jungkook was obliged to follow, so he did.

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