The One who Made the Same Mistakes

66 9 1

Dear Bestfriend,

It's been a while since we last sat down on the backbenches and flew paperplanes.

It's been a while since we've pulled people's legs, mocked and annoyed and discussed some wierd future goals or blamed our zodiac signs for every negative quality of our's.

It's been a while since we've roamed about streets and lanes far across the city with the sun setting down.

It's been a while since I've last felt rain with our hair entangled in drops and eyes moist, It's been a while since we've broken a bone or two slipping in the water.

It's been a while since we've last ugly cried and jumped over couches and bed over cute stuff.

It's been a while since we've last had a world war over stolen tiffins.

It's been a while since we've felt alive, since we've last sat on a swing or in a circle or holding hands or in each other's arms to be able to take another breath and feel alive.

It's been a while since we've put on some EDMs and turned our hair into a forest and our hands and feet ache as much that it puts us to bed for some days.

It's been a while since we've last watched a horror movie together and scared the shit out of each other.

It's been a while since I've last read out for you when you are sick and written for you so that you sleep smiling.

It's been a while since I have last felt happy, I know you've been worried. I know there are questions that I don't have answers to.

I know my anxiety level sometimes scares you and you are bothered with where I am leading myself to.

But dear bestfriend,

Today I want to run towards your home, to sob and wet your shoulders.

To sing in my cracking voice for you and to punch you hard and run away.

For I know no matter whatever I put you through, You'll still follow me back. You'll never let me be alone.
Oh, Ofcourse, to have your revenge not that you love me.

I love you.

Thankyou for sitting under the same stars as me and putting me back to sleep.

Thankyou for hearing through my silent cries.

I still listen to our voicecalls and read our messages but I don't anymore know how to tell you how much I miss you and how much I want to work us out.


I wrote this for my best friend cherry_blossom_18 a long while ago.

I hope it puts a smile across your face.

Share it will all your friends and revive memories.


Omg. I feel so Overwhelmed. Currently Ranking #63. Thank you guys Keep Voting and Commenting.

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