The One from every Paranoid Ever

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Dear dear ones,

You know, we are the people who feel sorry and ashamed of who we are.. if we are dark we will try to hide our face because we feel that your eyes do not deserve the black blot.. if we have a huge waist and no thigh gaps we will try to cover ourselves with oversized clothes and sit sticking to corners trying to tuck our belly...if we are short we will try to raise our feet higher and keep our mouth shut because we do not want to draw attention as we fear about people considering our brains to be as little as our size.

The thing about anxious people is, they think a hundred times over and over before placing their opinions so that they'd not sound as dumb and oh they are the ones who would eat whatever you order at the restaurant debating in their heads over whether to tell you about the  items they are allergic to or absolutely dislike but end up uttering.. not a single word.

They are real bad at small talk and try to avoid people as much as they can.

They take a lifetime to excuse themselves to use the washroom and they think all night about a drink they spilled in a public gathering.

They aren't just anxious, they are paranoids. They imagine the worst of everything. They do not really look forward to anything because they are always expecting a disaster to come out of it.

They notice the changes in your voice or you words or your actions, the slightest ones you might not even have thought about and was unintentional.

They are not day dreamers they are dark over thinkers.

They stand in the middle of queues and lower their voice when they are speaking about something that really matters to them.

They keep running away because they are just so scared of losing the best things in their lives and they damage all the good things in life by thinking themselves of being unworthy of it, they require lots of attention and much more care.

So just when you think you have loved them enough, love them a little and a bit too much more..

Your's Sincerely,
Every Paranoid Ever

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