Ch. 3 - Just Gotta Work Hard

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The first day of school has finally ended. Now I'm on my way home. School was great, except for the fact that senior year is gonna be really challenging. From what I've learnt today about the topics we'll be doing in each subject, the curriculum is very hard but I'm a straight A student so I'll be fine. Just gotta keep focused and work really hard.

Finally I'm home and it seems like no one is here. I check the time on my watch and it's 4:15pm. Dad's at work, Mom's also at work & she prolly has Anna with her. Adrian must be chilling with his friends, who knows.

I went up to my room and throw my bag on the bed. I need a bath. So I went to the bathroom and took a long bath. After that I got dressed then went to the kitchen to make dinner.

While I was in the kitchen cooking, I heard the door opening.

"Shena? Yuh deh ya?" I heard Adrian shouted.

"Yea, I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled back.

I add some sauce to my veggie chunks then stir it when I heard Adrian walked in.

"Something smells good in here sis. Whatcha cooking?" He asked taking up a shrimp-filled egg.

"Hey! Put that down, that's for dinner!" I said slapping him on his hand.

"Me just a taste it!" He cried and I roll my eyes.

"I'm making curry chicken with rice steamed vegetables and fry plantains for y'all. And veggie chunks for myself", I said.

I mostly eat vegetables and fruits. Not because I'm a vegetarian or vegan because I'm not. I just can't really eat fried food or junk food or ground provisions or meats because my digestive system can't handle it. I have food allergies. When I eat stuff like that I end up really sick and/or throw up back everything. So my doctor recommends that I don't consume those. Yes, I know I'm weird. Ain't gotta tell me twice.

"Mmmm, smells delicious. So how was your first day as a senior in high school?" He asked.

"It was great to be honest, but I know that senior year's gonna be challenging", I answered.

"Yea, well, I know that my very intelligent lil sis will do great", he said pinching my cheek.

"Aww thanks bro. For having faith in me. And how was your day?" I asked smiling.

"It was good. I'm tryna be confident just like what Mom and Dad said this morning", he answered.

"That's right. Hard work is the key to success", I said.


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