Ch. 15 - Surprise Call

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What happened Wednesday was a complete blur to me. I only remember waking up in a hospital with Mom and Dad looking at me worriedly. They were asking me things but I couldn't seem to find the words to answer them. Then I drifted off back into sleep.

On Thursday I got discharged from hospital because my fever was dropping. I was to have complete bed rest and got medications to take.

I woke up this morning feeling much better so I got up to get ready for school when Mom sent me back to bed. I still feel weak, I got a headache and fever so Mom restricted me from doing anything. All I did was eat, sleep and took my meds.

Just then I heard my phone ringing so I took it up and saw that it was San calling. I checked the time and realized that it would be lunchtime at school.

"Hi San", I answered.

"Hi hun. How are you feeling?" She asked curiosity in her voice.

"I feel much better now. I only have a slight headache, fever and tiredness but I'ma be okay", I answered.

"I'm so glad to hear that", San said cheerily.

"Get well soon Shena. We miss you", I heard Zo and Cam said in unison.

"Aww thanks girls. I miss y'all too", I said.

"San, what happened with the maths worksheet?" I asked curiously.

"Oh. Andre and Carru finished it at their house. Mr Samuels has it right now so don't worry about it", San said.

"Okay", I said. Then I heard talking in the background.

"San don't", I heard Zo saying.

"It's my phone so if he wants to talk to her he can", I heard San saying.

"San? San what's going on?" I asked.

"Shena, Carru wants to talk to you so I'ma give him the phone", San said.

Wait what? Why does he wanna talk to me?

"Shena? Are you there?" I heard Carru voice called.

"Yes I'm here", I answered.

"How are you? Are you okay?" He asked in a worried voice.

"Yes I'm okay now", I said.

"Are you sure? Because I realize that when you're not okay you still say you are", he said and I laughed.

"Uh yea I'm sure. I just feel a little weak and I got a slight headache and fever but I'm okay really. Thanks for asking", I said.

"Okay that's good to know and you're welcome. I was just worried about you so that's why I asked Saneke to let me talk to you. You fainted in my arms you know", he said. So that's why I didn't fall to the ground.

He was worried about me? When did he start caring about people?

"Oh", I said at a lost for words.

"Dre- I mean Andre said get well soon", he said.

"Tell him I said thanks", I said.

"Cool. So I'll see you on Monday then", he said.

"Yea. Sure", I said.

"Okay. Bye then", he said.

"Shena. You there?" San asked.

"Yea I'm here", I answered.

"I gotta go now coz lunch time is up but I'll talk to you later okay? I love you", she said.

"Yea. I love you too. Bye", I said then we hang up.

Did I really just have a real conversation with Carru Mitchell? This can't be real. I don't understand what's happening. Why does he suddenly have feelings now? Why does he worry about me? I'm confused.

How can a heartless person like Carru Mitchell show so much concern for a person all so sudden? Ugh! This is making my head hurts even more.

Maybe Zoya is right and he has some evil motive behind this. Maybe he's tryna play me. You know what, this makes sense now. He's nice to me so that he can easily play me. But if this mofo think I'ma let him play me he got another thing coming.

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