Ch. 7 - Nightmare

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Oh my God, the dreaded time has come. It's time for school to start and my first class is maths. I cringed thinking about what Carru will do to me. Just then I felt some hands on my shoulder and I jumped just to see San looking at me worriedly.

"Hey, relax. It's just me. Don't be scared. I won't let that asshole harm you", she assured me and I nod.

We went to maths class and took our seats at the far side of the room. My plan was to avoid encounters with Carru Mitchell and his crew as much as I could. So that was what I did.

As maths class ended I quickly left with San and met up with Zoya and Cam.

"Did he do anything to you Shena?" Cam asked.

"No. I don't think he even know I was in the class becoz I stay as far away as I can from everyone. I'm just gonna avoid him. Hopefully he'll find someone else to make his slave today", I said calmly.

"Yea that mofo better", San said.

All day I avoided getting in contact with Carru. Finally the day ended and I didn't see him again. The next day I didn't see him nor his crew. Maybe he has forgotten about me. That would be so great.

Over the weekend I hung out with my friends, go to church and visit my aunt and cousins with my family. It was a great weekend.

It's another week at school and I'm in information technology class. Zoya and I are in the same I.T. group and San and Cam are in the same group.

"I'm so hungry. I can't wait for lunch break", Zoya said with her hand on her cheek.

"You're always hungry", I said.

"True that", she said and I laughed.

Ten minutes later class ended and it was time for lunch break. We met up with San and Cam then went and got lunch.

"Seems like Carru has really forgotten about you. It's three days now and nothing has happened to you", Cam said looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Yea. He must've have found another person to bully", San said.

"I hope so", Zoya said.

"But we have maths class next. What if he's just waiting for that time to attack me?" I said sadly.

"He can't hurt you while I'm around. So don't worry coz I've got your back", San said and I nod.

Then the bell rang and we went to class. When we got to class San and I sat down beside each other. A minute later Carru and Andre walked in with our teacher. When he saw me he smiled.

Smiled? What the hell? When did he start smiling? Ugh. This is so weird.

During class I could feel someone eyes on me so I looked around and our eyes made four. All throughout class I could feel his eyes on me and every time I turn around he smiles at me.

Like seriously! Why is he smiling at me? Oh my God! He's found a way to destroy my life no wonder he's so happy. Oh no, what am I gonna do?

Finally class ended. I quickly grab my things and was about to leave when I felt someone pull me back so I sprung around and saw my worst nightmare staring at me.

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