Ch. 12 - Opportunities

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I'm so happy right now. Today I apologize to Shena and she accepted it. She was shocked when I did and her friends were too. They couldn't believe that the heartless bad boy/player could apologize to someone.

I'm just glad she accepted my apology and doesn't hate me anymore. I was even more happy when Mr Samuels put us in the same group in maths class. Now I have the opportunity to spend more time with her.

I finished getting ready for practice then left with the guys. On our way to  the field I saw my last fling Shelley walking towards us.

"Hey baby", she said hugging me. I instantly push her off.

"What do you want Shelley? I asked harshly.

"Chill boo. I was just wondering when we're getting together again", she said.

"Never. I already told you we're done. So please don't touch me ever again. Now move, I've got practice", I said gruffly and my friends laughed. Then I pushed her aside and walk off.

The nerve of that bitch. I fucked her once in summer and told her it's a one time thing but the stupid bitch seem to not get the message. I'm pretty sure she gets it now.

I can't blame her for catching feelings though. Because I'm handsome, hot and rich. Girls love me despite my bad attitude.

But right now I'm only interested in one girl and I'm going to meet her later for our group work.

After practice Dre and I quickly showered and dressed then we went to meet Shena and Saneke. When we got to the trees they were already there waiting for us.

"Hey", Dre and I greeted them in unison.

"Hey", Saneke said.

"Shall we start?" Shena asked and I nod.

After an hour of working on the worksheet we did five more questions. Shena is really good at maths. She's amazing. The way she tackle all the questions like a pro.

"I'm exhausted. I could sleep right here", Saneke said laying her head on her hands and Shena smiled at her.

I just realize that she has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"Yea I'm tired too. We can finish the rest tomorrow", Shena said getting up.

"Okay", Dre said.

"See y'all tomorrow", Saneke said.

"Bye", Shena said looking at me then Andre then she left with Saneke.

"I can't wait for tomorrow", Dre said and I looked at him weirdly.

"What?" He said grinning to himself.

"Nothing. Let's go", I said then we left.

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