Ch. 30 - Honesty

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Fuck it! I can't believe this little bitch could stoop so low. I really wanted to tell Shena that Shelley kissed me but I didn't get a chance to. I know I could've told her over the phone but I wanted to tell her face to face so that she don't doubt me. But fuck it! Shelley got to her before me.

I can't believe she did this to Shena. She don't deserve this. Now she thinks I kissed that stupid girl. I'd never cheat on her. I tried to tell her that but she didn't want to listen to me.

She hates me and it's all Shelley's fault. I could strangle that stupid hoe. What am I gonna do now? Shena's not talking to me, she's not answering her phone, nor messages. What do I do God? I can't lose the love of my life. I feel incomplete without Shena.

When she fainted on Wednesday I felt like my heart was being torn in pieces. Thank God she's okay though.

"Carru, man you gotta do something", Marc said.

"Don't you think I know that? I've been trying to talk to Shena but she's ignoring me", I said.

"Saneke's not talking to me either. She thinks I'm covering up for you or something", Dre said

"I'm sorry bro", I said.

"It's not your fault. It's that dumb bitch Shelley! I always hated that girl. I don't know why you were with her", Dre said.

"It was just a one night stand", I said

"She doesn't see it like that though. She's obsessed with you bro!" Jake said.

"I know that now. I'm so stupid. Now I've lost the only girl I ever loved", I said sadly.

"Hope is not lost", Marc said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You can't give up. I won't let you. I was just tryna get Camesha to like me more than just a friend and I can't let her slip away bro. So, we're gonna have to find a way to solve this", Marc said.

"Look at you. Falling in love too", Jake said to Marc.

"I got an idea", Dre said and we all looked at him.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"Okay. Shena won't listen to you nor us right? So, stop trying to convince Shena yourself. Convince who Shena trust and love more than anyone in this world. Who she'll believe", Dre said smiling.

"And who's that?" Jake asked.

"Her friends?" Marc asked.

"No. Her family", I answered smiling.

"That's right. Convince them that you didn't cheat on Shena and they'll convince Shena for you", Dre said smiling.

"Damn bro, you're the best! That's a great idea", I said knocking fists with Dre.

"Dre is brilliant with ideas an I'm great at executing them", Jake said smiling and we laughed.

"That's true. Now the big question is, how are you going to convince her parents?" Marc said.

"That's the hard part", Jake said.

"I haven't even thought that far in the plan", Dre said.

"All I gotta do is prove to them that I love Shena and that I didn't cheat on her. By telling the truth. A guilty man never comes forward bro's", I said smiling to myself.

"Truth", Jake said.

Later that evening...

I'm on my way to Shena's house. When I got there I saw her father and Adrian outside talking. When they saw me coming out the car they got angry.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here? You're not welcome here asshole so I suggest you get to stepping before I knock you the fuck out!" Adrian said angrily. Man he's scary.

"Look, I know y'all may hate me right now but what you think is the truth is not it", I said looking at Adrian.

"What the..."

"Adrian that's enough. I'd like to hear what he has to say", Mr Naire said looking at me.

"Carru what are you doing here?" I heard Mrs Naire's voice. I looked past them and saw her walking towards us.

"I've come to justify myself and to tell the truth", I said and Adrian laughed.

"He's gonna tell the truth. Bullshit!" Adrian shouted.

"Adrian stop it. Your sisters are sleeping so keep your voice down", Mrs Naire said to Adrian.

Shena's sleeping, that's good. I don't want her to see me here.

"I know that Shena told you guys that I cheated on her by kissing this other girl but that's not true. Shena's not lying but she doesn't know the truth either. The video that she and everyone else at school saw was fake. I never kissed that girl. What happened was the girl came into the boys bathroom while I was changing for football practice and kissed me. I didn't kiss her. I pushed her off when she did. I don't know what she did to make that video seemed like I kissed her I honestly didn't. I would never cheat on Shena. I love her too much for that", I said.

"I don't believe a word your saying", Adrian said sternly.

"I'm telling you the truth Adrian. That girl in the video is obsessed with me. We had this one time fling in summer and now she thinks I belong to her. Look, you gotta believe me I'm not lying about this. I'd never lie to you guys. I respect y'all too much for that", I said.

"It's just really hard for us to comprehend it Carru", Mrs Naire said.

"Mrs Naire, I love you daughter. I'm crazy about her. I changed my life for her. Why would I change my life for someone just to end up break their heart? That doesn't even makes sense", I said.

"So why didn't you tell Shena about it if you didn't kiss that girl?" Mr Naire asked.

"I wanted to tell her. I tried to but I didn't get the chance to tell her coz I wanted to tell her face to face and I didn't see her that day", I said.

"Now I know you're lying", Adrian said.

"C'mon Adrian. Think realistically. Would I be here if I did do it? Would I be here pleading with you guys, asking you to believe me? No I wouldn't becoz I'd feel guilty. I'm not guilty I didn't kiss that girl she kissed me. She must've edited the video or something to make it look like I did. I swear on my dead parents, may god bless there soul, that I didn't cheat on Shena. I love her more than my own life and I can't lose her so please believe me", I pleaded.

"Okay. I believe you", Mrs Naire said smiling at me and my face lit up.

"Thank you", I said looking at her.

"Yes I also believe you. Plus you're right. You wouldn't be here if you were guilty. A guilty man never comes forward. As a police officer I know this", Mr Naire said smiling.

"Thank you Sir for believing me. I'd never disappoint you like that", I said smiling.

"I also believe you", Adrian said and I looked at him shocked.

"You do?" Mr Naire, Mrs Naire and I said in unison.

"Yes. All I wanted from Carru to prove to me that he really love my sister and he just did. You swore on your dead parents, may they rest in peace, that you didn't cheated. Now a guilty man wouldn't do that becoz you'd be tormented for life. So thank you for loving my lil sis so much", he said smiling at me. Man that's the first time I'm seeing this guy smile.

"No thank you Adrian for believing me. Thank you all. It means so much to me", I said and they smiled.

"And yes Carru one more thing, if you ever cheat on her for real one day, I'll kill you. No one's gonna stop me from doing that. Just giving you a heads up", he said grinning and I laughed.

"Trust me, it won't come to that", I said smiling.

They believe me. Thank God. Now they can convince Shena that I'm innocent. I just want my baby back.

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