Ch. 24 - Meeting The In-Laws part 1

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I finally accepted to be Carru's girlfriend and he's been walking on cloud ever since. He tells me everyday that he loves me. He buys me white roses, chocolates and fruits all the time. I'm like wow, he's really gone soft. I can't believe I made him change so much. Seeing him happy makes me happy too.

Now what I've been seeing for a while now is that Saneke and Andre are always smiling at each other. Whenever all of us are chilling they're always beside each other. I wonder what's going on between them.

"Saneke, what's going on between you and Andre?" I asked her and she immediately stopped eating.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She stuttered.

"You know what I mean", I said.

"Uh huh. I realize you two are always so cozy up together", Zoya said.

"I thought you were a lesbian", Cam said grinning.

"Uh that's bisexual and Andre asked me to be his gf", San said smiling.

"Oh my God. What did you say?" I asked happily.

"I haven't answered yet", she said.

"Why not? You like him don't ya?" Zo asked her.

"Yea", San said.

"Then there's your answer", I said.

"You know, y'all right. I'll accept", She said smiling and we cheered.

After we finished eating lunch we went to our regular chill spot and the boys were there.

"Hey boys", we said in unison.

"Hey girls", they said.

Saneke sat beside Andre, Zoya and Camesha sat beside Jake and Marc and immediately started talking and laughing.

I sat down beside Carru and he wrap his arms around me so I relaxed in his embrace. He kissed me on my neck and I giggled then look up at him.

"You're just so perfect to me baby", he said and I smile then bit my lip.

"Andre my answer is yes", I heard San say and I smile. Good girl.

"For real?" Andre asked excitedly.


"I'm so happy right now", Andre said laughing then he hugged San.

"Baby", Carru said so I look up at him. "I know we haven't been together long but I talked to my aunt about you and she wants to meet you".

Oh my God! Wow! Of course I wanna meet her.

"Really?" I said smiling.

"Yea. We have a match on Saturday at Manchester against Munro College. She'll be there so I want you to come and meet her. And support me of course", he said.

"Okay. I'll be there", I said and he smiled.


I'm literally going crazy right now. I'm meeting my aunt in law today. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Oh my God what do I wear.

I went through my closet searching until I found the perfect outfit to wear. I quickly showered and got dressed then left home. When I got to Santa Cruz I met up with San and we went to Manchester together.

We met Zoya and Camesha when we reached the field. I saw Carru and his fellow teammates warming up for the match when he saw me he smiled so I waved at him. He came to me and I hug him.

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