Ch. 18 - Fallen In Love

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"Man, I never thought being good could feel so great. I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders", Jake said smiling to himself.

"Same here bro. It feels different. Good different", Marc said.

"I feel contented. For the first time in my life I feel really happy. What I thought was happiness before was not it at all. This is happiness", Dre said smiling.

"I never thought I could feel this way. And to think that a girl made me change my dirty ways", I said laughing and shaking my head.

"Yea but I get why though. Coz Shena's a good girl. She nice, smart and more beautiful than all your other hoes so that's understandable", Marc said laughing.

"True that", I said smiling.

"I haven't had a blunt nor drink any liquor in one week and I don't miss it. I really have changed! You know what, I think focusing on school and football is what I should be doing. As it is, I realize now that I really want to pass all my CXC exams next term", Jake said humbly.

We all looked at him shocked. That's the first time I've heard Jake say something of importance so seriously.

"What?" He asked.

"Man, that's the first time we're hearing you say something that's important so serious and genuine", Marc said voicing my thought.

"Yea well, I'm just realizing that I wasn't taking it seriously before", Jake said.

"We all didn't bro. You know, we should thank Shena for opening Carru's eyes and for opening ours", Dre said.

"She saved us and she don't even know it", I said.

"Well maybe you should tell her bro", Dre said.

"Tell her what?" I asked.

"That you're in love with her", Dre said.

"Wait, what?" Marc asked confused.

"When did you fall in love bro? And what is love by the way? Coz I have no idea what it is", Jake asked looking at me.

"I have no idea what Dre is talking about. How can I be in love with Shena when I don't even know what love is. I've never been in love. I don't know what that is or how it feels. This is crazy?!" I said pointedly looking at Dre.

"It's common sense son! Ever since you met Shena you've been in cloud nine. You can't stop thinking about her, you talk about her all the time, you even changed your goddamn life so that she'll like you! If that's not love then I don't know what the fuck is", Dre said bewildered.

"Dre's got a point. I agree that we don't know what love is becoz we've never been in love, but you go crazy over Shena bro, so I agree with Dre. You are in love with her", Marc said matter-of-factly.

"I know that you don't know what love is bro but at one point in life everyone didn't know what it was until they experience it for themselves and figured it out", Jake said.

"Bro, you are on a role with these facts today", Marc said smiling at Jake and he laughed.

"What can I say dawq, I'm just feeling the positiveness".

"Jake is right. Now you're experiencing it", Dre said looking at me.

"I never thought about it like that. But anyways let's not jump to conclusions coz it can be obsession", I said and Dre laughed.

"I doubt its obsession becoz if it was you'd be all over Shena like a hawk and you ain't so nah", Dre said.

Just then Aunt Donna came.

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