Ch. 29 - Unfortunate Video

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I'm just really happy. I think I found the right guy this time. Or should I say the right guy found me. Carru is much better than my three exes. He treats me like a queen and he loves me a lot.

School is getting even more challenging. I have a lot of SBA's and assignments to complete. It's not a problem though because I love a challenge. It test my intellect so that I can work even harder than before.

Now I'm in Chemistry class. I love Chemistry. Saneke and Camesha hates it though. Too many formula's they always say.

"Ughh. If I gotta work out another formula I'ma scream", San huffed.

"Relax, I'll help you", I said.

"Yayyy. Thanks bestie", she said hugging me.

While I was helping San the bell rang.

"Okay students. Finish this as homework. I'll mark them next class. You may go", Mrs Fagon our Chemistry teacher said.

"Let's go y'all", Zo said and we left.

As usual we went to the lawn to chill after eating. We were talking and laughing about random stuff.

"Shena! Aye Shena?" I heard somebody calling me so I turn around and saw Judy and Reesa running towards us.

"Wassup girls", I said.

"Didn't you see the video?" Judy asked me seriously.

"What video?" I asked curiously.

"The video of Carru and Shelley kissing. Look", Reesa said showing me her phone. I took it and saw Carru and Shelley kissing.

I felt my heart literally breaking in pieces. What the fuck?! Kissing? In the boys bathroom! He's cheating on me? With that hoe! Oh my God! This can't be happening to me again. No it can't. This can't happen.

I couldn't breathe I just couldn't catch a breath. I fell on the ground. What's happening to me? Oh God. I saw my friends crowding around me but I couldn't hear what they're saying. Then everything went black.

Fifteen minutes later...

I woke up in the nurse's office. What the hell am I doing here? Then everything flashed back in my mind. Tears started to well up in my eyes then down my cheeks they flowed.

How could he do that to me? How could he betrayed me like that? I thought he really had changed but all this time he was just playing me. So everything was a lie! How could I be so stupid?

I'ma kill him! I swear to God I will. He better not let me catch him. How could he? After everything. I was just starting to trust him. I'm so stupid. Always believing the jerks and heartbreakers.

I got up off the bed then went out to the waiting area then nurse Tucker saw me.

"You're awake. That's good. How do you feel?" She asked. Heartbroken. Angry. Sad.

"I'm okay now", I said and she smile.

"Okay. Drink this. Then you can go to class", Nurse Tucker said handing me the glass. I took the water and drank it. I'd rather go home.

"Thank you Nurse. Bye", I said walking off.

"Bye", she called after me.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face then I went to class. Everyone stared at me.

"Are you okay Shena? You're friends told me you're not feeling well", Mrs Fagon asked.

"I'm fine thank you Miss", I said and sat down beside San.

"I'm so sorry Shena", She said sadly.

"I don't want to talk about this okay girls", I said simply.

"But Shena, you both have the same maths class right? And maths is after this so what you gonna do?" Cam asked.

"Ignore him", I said. San rub my hair and Cam and Zo rub my back.

I wish I would just disappear right now. I feel so empty, lost and broken. I feel like crying. I wish I was at home where mom would hug me and make me feel at peace.

Class ended and San and I went to maths class unfortunately Sir didn't come early to class and I had to face Carru.

"Shena...", he started to say but I cut him off by holding up my hand.

"Don't. Don't you dare come near me. I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I fell for your stupid lies. Don't you dare touch me. Stay away from me. If you come any closer to me I swear to God I will kill you! We're done!" I shouted angrily. I don't even care if everyone's looking at me. They all know anyway.

Just then Sir came to class. I sat beside Sir all through class. After it ended. I went home as quickly as I could.

I ran to my room and cried my eyes out all evening.

"Shena? Shena baby what's wrong?" I heard Mom voice said. I got up and hugged her then started crying even more. She hugged me and rub my back.

"What happened baby? Talk to me", she said sweetly.

"Mom he cheated on me. Carru cheated on me. I trusted him Mom and he betrayed me. How could he do this to me?"I cried.

"What did he do?" I heard Adrian asked angrily. Oh God!

"Adrian", I said getting up. He had this hard look on his face. He's really angry. I ran and hug him.

"I'ma kill him", Adrian said.

"Adrian that won't solve anything. You will do no such thing", Mom said.

"He hurt Shena mom! Nobody hurts my little sister and gets away with it! I will make him regret the day he was born. Wait till I get my hands on him", Adrian said harshly.

"Adrian no. Just forget him okay", I said looking at him.

"Why are you defending him? I will teach him a lesson", Adrian said.

"No Adrian. Don't you dare disobey me", Mom said sternly.

"Adrian please", I pleaded.

"Fine. I won't give him what he deserve", he said annoyingly.

"What did he do Shena?" Mom asked.

"I saw this video with him and this girl at school kissing. She's a big flirt. I can't believe he cheated on me with her of all people", I said crying.

"Come here sweetie. Calm down. Everything's going to be okay baby I promise you. You'll get through this. We're here for you", Mom said soothingly. Hugging me and rubbing my back.

"Stop crying over that jerk. He don't deserve your tears", Adrian said then left. He doesn't like seeing me cry.

"Adrian's right. Stop crying baby", Mom said.

"Okay Mom", I said drying my tears.

I showered and went to bed. I cried in Dad's arm until I fell asleep.

I woke up and remembered everything that happened yesterday. You know what, I'm not gonna cry anymore. I did enough of that yesterday. I'm done. I'm gonna forget him.

For the rest of the week I went to school and ignored him and his friends. I focused on school and only that. School is more important anyway.

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