Ch. 21 - It's Jamaica Day

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I woke up feeling well rested. Maybe that's because I went to sleep early last night. My eyes caught the calendar and I realized it's Friday. Oh my God it's Jamaica Day!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After taking a shower I went back to my room. I just realized that I didn't even choose what I'm going to wear. Ughhh!

I opened my closet and started to search for clothea. It has to be Jamaica colours obviously, black, green and gold. Finally I found the perfect outfit to wear.

Black high waist skinny jeans, gold silk halter top, black Gucci fur jacket, black Gucci suave shoes, gold belt and gold Raybon shades. I chose a gold earring-necklace and a gold bracelet-ring. I did my hair in an up do style and tied yellow and black ribbons in it.

I checked myself in my full length mirror and I look amazing. I clicked a few pics, post them on Instagram then went downstairs to breakfast.

"Wow. Look at my lil sis blazing up the place", Adrian said and I laughed. He looked really awesome in his green and black suit.

"You look awesome too bro", I said and he laughed.

"I know", he said I roll my eyes. Show off.

"You look amazing Shena", Brianna said.

"Thanks Anna. So do you. You look very cute", I said and she giggled.

"Aww...look at my babies. Y'all look so amazing in your Jamaica colours.  I need pics of you. Come on", Mom gushed so we took lots of pics. Some by ourselves and some with each other.

Half an hour later I left for school. When I got there everybody was all dressed up in their Jamaica colours. I didn't see my friends anywhere so I texted San. A minute later she replied saying that they're up at our homeroom in room 20 so I went up there.

I passed Carru on the way there and man wasn't he hot. He had on gold and black Gucci suit. Like seriously? We're both wearing the same designer outfit. Wow!

"Wow Shena! You look gorgeous!" He said smirking and I smiled.

"Thank you. You look amazing. Love the hat", I said smiling.

"You're welcome and thank you", he said smiling at me.

"Sure. Gotta go", I said walking off. I could feel his eyes on me even as I left. Oh God.

When I got to homeroom everyone was already there even our homeroom teacher Mr. Green.

"Good morning Sir", I said entering the class and everyone stared at me in awe.

"Good morning Shena. Look at you all decked up. Looking good my dear", Sir said smiling at me.

"Thank you Sir", I said smiling then sat down beside San.

"Wow girl. You're leaving fire streaks every", San gushed.

"Stop. Y'all look amazing too", I said to San, Zo and Cam and they smiled.

"Okay students. I've mark the register so you may go join the procession that's starting", Sir said and we left class.

We went and join the other students who are assembling for the Jamaica day celebrations that will be happening here today. On Jamaica day we celebrate our country's heritage, traditions, customs, folklore and way of life. Everyone loves Jamaica day because we love our country and our culture so everyone celebrates on this day.

My friends and I took a lot of pics and post them all over social media. On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Pinterest, etc. That's when I saw a notification on my phone of a friend request on Facebook. Carru sent me a friend request. Oh my God. So I accepted and he immediately started to react to my pics so I liked his.

After that I paid attention to the celebrations. I was having so much fun with my girls and fellow schoolmates, singing and dancing to all the Reggae and Dancehall songs they were playing. We got thirsty so we went and bought drinks at the tuck shop. When we got back to our spot I saw Carru and his friends looking at us. He smiled at me so I smiled back at him then turn my attention back to the students on stage who were performing a skit.

"I'll be right back", Zo said to us then left. Five minutes later San left too.

"Where are they going?" I asked Cam.

"Prolly to the bathroom", Cam replied.

After that I focused on the celebrations. Half an hour later San and Zoya returned together. San looked really happy but Zoya looked calm. Too calm.

"You good Zo?" I asked her.

"Yea. I guess I am now", she answered with a genuine smile on her face.


The rest of the day was awesome. I had fun, my girls had fun, it was just an enjoyable day. Which is why I love Jamaica Day.

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