Ch. 25 - Meeting The In-Laws part 2

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I had a great time yesterday. I met Carru's Aunt. She's such a nice woman. I really like her and I hope she likes me too. Carru is coming here today to meet my parents. I really hope this goes well.

I heard a car in our driveway so I checked. Oh my God he's here! I ran to the door to meet him.

"Hey I'm so glad you came", I said hugging him.

"Of course baby. Anything for you", he said hugging me back.

"Come on. My parents are in the living room", I took him to the living room where my parents was.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Carru Mitchell, my boyfriend", I said smiling.

"Carru they're my parents, Isabelle and David Naire", I said smiling.

"Hello Carru, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming here today", Mom said smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Naire. And not a problem", Carru said to her.

"Nice to meet you young man. I've seen you before. Yes, you were there in the nurse's office when Shena got sick", Dad said looking at Carru seriously.

"Hello Sir. Yes I was", Carru said.

"Carru, this is my big brother Adrian and my little sister Brianna", I said.

"Wassup man", Carru said to Adrian.

"Wassup", Adrian said simply.

"Hi Brianna. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful little princess", he said smiling at her and she giggled.

"Thank you", Anna said smiling at him.

"So Carru, why are with my sister?" Adrian asked sternly.

"Because I love her", Carru said and I smiled at him.

"Why do you love her, dear?" Mom asked.

"She made me change into a better person. I did a lot of bad things in the past and when I met Shena she helped me realize that what I was doing was wrong. No other girl helped me see that so I love her. Also she's beautiful, smart and realistic", He answered. Wow.

"I like your honesty", Dad said. "What are your goals son?"

"Thank you Sir. Well first of all I want to win DaCosta Cup and Ben Francis Cup for my school. Secondly I want to pass all my CXC exams next year. Third of all I want to go to University of the West Indies to study architecture and also pursue my dream to become a professional football player. Last but not least I hope Shena and I stay together throughout all that then I can make her my wife", he said.

"Hmm good answer", Adrian said annoyingly and I looked at him he turn his head away.

"I see you have big dreams son. That's good. It's good to dream big but it's even better when you work hard to achieve them", Dad said.

"That's right. I wish you all the best", mom said.

"Thank you", Carru said.

After that we talked about school and everything else then Carru left.

"So what do you guys think?" I asked them curiously then Adrian left.

"I like him Shena. He's nice", Anna said and I hugged her.

"I approve sweetie. He's an intelligent young man", mom said.

"Thanks Mom", I said.

"He's good enough I guess. But I'ma keep a close eye on him", Dad said.

"Okay", I said hugging them.

I went up to Adrian room but the door was closed so I knocked then open it. He was on his laptop.

"Bro, I know you don't like Carru", I said.

"I don't hate him. And I know what kind of 'bad things' he 'used' to do. Anyways it's not important what I think", he said.

"Of course it is. I want to know what you think. You're opinion is important to me", I said.

"Well I can't say I like him cause I don't. He gotta prove to me first that he has really changed before I can accept him", he said.

"Okay", I said simply.

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