Ch. 8 - I Just Wanna Talk

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I was getting really excited to see the girl again. The next day when I got to maths class she was the first person I saw. The sight of her arose a happy feeling in me so I smiled at her. But she just looked at me with fear in her eyes.

I don't know why it kills me so much when she looks at me like that. Class ended then I decided to go talk to her but she left class as quickly as she could with her friend. I never saw her again after that.

I got so mad that I didn't see her the next day either. It's like she's avoiding me or something. My friends and I have been keeping an eye out for her and her friends but we didn't see them.

I managed to focus on the match on Friday and we won. Coach was very happy that we won 5-1 on our first match of the season. The match took my mind off her for a while.

Over the weekend I started thinking about her again. I got frustrated that I took my anger out on everyone and everything. Dre tried to calm me down but I'm so impatient. I just wanna talk to her.

I got a chance to talk to her during maths class today and I'm not gonna mess it up. I've got to talk to her.

"This class is so fucking long and boring. I feel like I'm bouta explode from boredom", Marc complained.

"I feel ya bruh. Can't wait for it to end", I said lamely.

"Oh that's right, you got maths class right after lunchtime", Marc said smiling.

"Yup. And this time, she's not gonna slip away so easily", I said grinning.

Half an hour later the bell rang so we went to lunch. After lunchtime Dre and I went to maths class together. When I saw her my spirit lifted. When maths class ended she was about to leave when I pulled her back. Then she turn around and looked at me with frightened eyes.

"Please don't hurt me. Look, I'm sorry that I crashed into you okay. It was a accident. I wasn't looking where I was going. Please let me go", she pleaded tryna wiggle her hand free from my hold.

Hurt? She thinks I'm gonna hurt her. I'd never do that to her. Oh shit! Of course she thinks that I'm gonna hurt her because that's what I do to anyone who cross me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk to you", I said softly and she looked at me weirdly.

"Wh-what? Talk t-to me?" She stammered.

"Yea. What's your name?" I asked. Just then I felt someone drag her hand out of mine. I look up and saw her friend looking at me furiously.

"Just who do you think you are Carru Mitchell? If you even think about hurting my best friend, I'll fuck you up so bad you'll wish you were never born!" The her friend screamed.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold up! Carru doesn't want to hurt you're friend. He's just tryna talk to her", Dre defended.

"What?" The girl's friend asked confused.

"I was just asking her what's her name until you interfered", I said annoyingly.

"My name is Shena and this is my best friend Saneke. Bye", The girl said quickly then grab her friend's hand and left.

"Shena and Saneke. Cute", Dre said smiling to himself.

Now I finally know her name but she's still scared of me. I wanted to tell her that I wouldn't hurt her but she left so quickly.

Anyways now that I know her name and we're in the same maths class, it'll be easier to talk to her.

"Saneke's pretty hot. The way she threatened you like that. For a minute there I was pretty scared", Dre said laughing.

"Ya. She was pretty convincing. A nigga bet'n mess with her nor her friend", I said.

"Or she'll just pounce on a nigga like a mother hen protecting her chicks", Dre said and I laughed. Then we went to next class.

I didn't see them again for the rest of the day. After school we had a match against Roger Clarke High so I focused my attention on that.

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