Ch. 26 - Connection

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(Shena & Carru⤴)


It's Saturday and I'm at Santa Cruz chilling with my bf and our friends. Well some of our friends coz Zoya had to hang with her bf Akeem. It hurts me that all of us can't hang together because of Carru and Akeem feud but what can I do.

Anyways we're at KFC eating. Well everyone else is eating fried chicken and I'm eating veggie salad.

"Shena this is really delicious. Too bad you can't eat it", Jake said biting a chicken leg. He just loves to mess with me.

"You just gon' keep rubbing it in ma face", I said rolling my eyes.

"Yep", he said popping the p and everyone laughed.

"Well this is more delicious", I said eating my veggie salad.

"Yea right", Marc said sarcastically and I hit him.

"Hey!" He cried.

"Shut up!" I said and they laughed.

"I remember when we were kids and we went to a friend's birthday party. Now there was a lot of fried food and junk food their and everyone was enjoying them. Shena being left out and shit decided to eat some. Damn, she got so sick like girl threw up all other the people them bathroom. She ended up in the hospital and her Mom was beyond upset because she told our friend Mom to not let Shena eat any of junk food. It was crazy", Cam recalled.

"So you were a little baddie huh?" Marc said laughing.

"Damn baby, that's messed up. But you know you shouldn't have eaten it so why did you?" Carru asked.

"Cauz she a baddie", Marc laughed.

"Ugh. Shut up bro", I hissed.

"I felt left out so I just wanted to taste some. I know it was dumb trust me I never did that again", I defended.

"But you did like two weeks ago with them sweets when you got sick", Jake said.

"Oh right", I said.

"That's different. That's sweets", San injected.

"Still made her sick", Carru said.

"Could y'all stop/ Trust me I learnt my lesson. Not doing those stupid shits again", I said.

"Good. Cauz I don't like seeing you sick", Carru said looking at me and I smiled at him.

"Aw that's just too cute", San said then I saw something flashed and I realized she just took a photo of us.


"Memories boo", she said smirking.

After that we left KFC and went to walk. Carru and I was walking hand in hand. We went into a store KDEZYGN. That's when I saw a really beautiful necklace.

"It'll look perfect on you", I heard Carru said from behind me so I smile at him.

"Excuse me, I'd like to buy this necklace please", He said to the cashier and she nod.

"Carru what are you doing? It's expensive", I said to him and he smile.

"Nothing's too expensive to me for the love of my life", he said taking out a credit card out of his wallet then handing it to the cashier.

"Do you want it gift wrapped?" The cashier asked it.

"No I'ma make her wear it now", he answered so she hand the necklace to him.

"Turn around baby", he said so I did and he put on the necklace on me.

"Oh wow. That's so beautiful. Shena it suits you perfectly", San said in awe. I looked at myself in the mirror. It really does look good on me.

"Just like I said baby. It's perfect. You're perfect", Carru said looking at me in the mirror. I turn around and hugged him.

"Thank you. I love it", I said smiling.

"I'm glad you do baby", he said hugging.

"You guys make a really cute couple", The cashier said smiling at us then handing back Carru his credit card.

"Thanks", I said smiling at her then we left.

The rest of the day we chill together taking pics, running jokes, laughing, talking and having a great time. It was an awesome day.

Night comes quick when you're having a great time. I checked the time and it's already after eight. At that time we started to separate.

Jake left first saying he's going to meet a 'friend'. Then Camesha left for home and Marc followed her to her taxi stand. Then Saneke and Andre left.

"It's just us now", Carru said.

"Yea I feel like we've been ditched", I said and he laughed.

"True. But I'm glad I have you to myself now", he said and I smiled.

We went upstairs on Cole's plaza to chill for a while.

"It's really peaceful and cool up here", I said and he hugged me from behind.

"Yea that's why I like up here. Away from the crowd and busy street", he said and I nod.

I feel really safe and happy with him. I snuggle up to him and he held me tighter.

"Shena you make me really happy. I love you so much. You're everything to me", he said softly so I turn around and look at him. We were just staring at each other.

"I love your smile, I love your eyes and I love your lips", he said then he kissed me.

When our lips touched it was like electric waves flushed through my body. I felt like I was floating in the clouds. I wrapped my arms around him and we deepened the kiss.

"You're driving me crazy baby", he said when we stopped.

"I can't help that I'm awesome", I said and he laughed.

"That you are baby", he said and I hug him.

"It's time for me to go", I said and he held me tighter.

"No no. I want to hold you a little longer", he said and I run my hand through his hair.

We stayed in each others arm.

"I love you baby", he said and I smile at him.

I know Carru. It's crazy how his love for me is so strong. I've never felt so loved before. And for me to be the first person he's this crazy about, is amazing. I'm happy.

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