My thoughts keeps going back to what happened yesterday in maths class. I was about to leave when someone pull me back so I sprung around and saw Carru staring back at me.
When I saw him I became terrified. I knew he had a score to settle with me and in that moment I was scared out of my mind thinking he's going to settle it now. So I immediately apologized to him and begged him not to hurt me.
But he surprised me when he said he's not going to hurt me he just want to talk to me. At that point I was lost for words. Then he asked me what's my name when San dragged my hand out of his and threatened him.
His friend immediately defended him and surprised San with what he said. I just told him my name and San's name then grab San and left them there as quickly as I could.
When we told Zoya and Camesha what happened they were shocked. I'm just glad he's not gonna ruin my life. Maybe he has a conscience after all. I'll just stay away from him.
But I still don't understand why he didn't do anything bad to me. How comes he's grown a conscience now? I'm just confused.
Just then the bell rang signaling time for lunch break. The girls and I went and have our lunch. After that we went to our regular spot on the lawn.
"I still can't believe Carru was nice to you yesterday. He didn't hurt you nor anything", Cam said looking at me.
"Maybe he has a heart after all", San said.
"Oh please. Carru Mitchell doesn't have conscience nor feelings. He's a bully that's what he is", Zoya gruffed.
"Then how comes he didn't hurt Shena, Zo? He had the chance and he didn't. So how comes he didn't? Can you explain that?" San asked Zo.
"He's got a motive behind it. I just know it. He doesn't have a heart", Zoya said.
"Ion care about any of that. I'm just gonna stay away from him. I'm just glad he didn't ruin my high school life. So can we please drop it now? I just wanna forget him", I said calmly.
"Yea. You're right babe", Cam said.
We were sitting there in silence for a while and I could feel someone's eyes on me. So I turn around and saw Carru staring at me. When I saw him he smiled at me. Why is he always smiling at me? Ugh! This is so weird. I quickly turn my head away. Then the bell rang and we went to class. For the rest of the day I completely forgot about Carru Mitchell.
The next day at school I avoided any possible encounters with him. Even in maths class I ignored him and left before he could stop me.
Today Maths class is my first class for the day. San and I went to class and took our seats. After class ended, I was about to leave when someone pull me back.
Oh God not again. When I turn around I saw Carru Mitchell staring back at me.
"Let go of my hand Carru Mitchell", I said angrily. What's with him and my motherfucking hand.
"Not until we talk", he said cockily.
"I've got nun to say to you Carru. So leave me alone", I said irritatingly while trying to wiggle my hand free from his hold.
"I said, we need to talk!" he said harshly.
"Who do you think you are ordering me like that? I am not one of your stupid flirting bitches who jumps at everything you say! So don't you dare mistake me for one!" I shouted angrily then drag my hand out of his and left.
How dare him tell me what to do! Who do he thinks he is, God? He got another thing coming if he thinks i'ma do whatever he say.
I was so angry I didn't even realize when I got to my next class or when the girls were talking to me.
"Shena!" I heard somebody shouted my name.
"What!" I answered angrily. When I look up I saw San, Cam and Zo looking at me sacredly.
"Chill ma. Why are you so angry?" Zo asked.
So I explained to them what happened.
"That mofo! Wait till I get my hands on him. I'll make sure he never mess with you again!" San said furiously.
"How dare him? I told y'all he was no good", Zoya gruffed.
"He got some nerve. Does he think everybody's like all his cheap floozies", Cam said.
"Y'all ain't gotta worry. He won't mess with me again. Not after what I said to him", I said.
"He better not if he knows what's good for him", San said.
That asshole now know that I ain't scared of him anymore. I'm just gonna avoid him.

Unexpected Love
Roman pour Adolescents"We need to talk".... "I've got nun to say to you Carru. So leave me alone".... "I said, we need to talk!".... "Who do you think you are ordering me like that? I am not one of your stupid flirting bitches who jumps at everything you say! So don't yo...