f i v e

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>> everyone is a moon and has a dark side which they never show to anybody<<


She quickly turned back to her seat and I noticed the blush rise in her cheeks. A faint smirk appeared on my face as she disappeared from my view behind the seats in front of her.

She looked pale, absolutely terrified. Good. The more scared of me she is, the further she'll stay away and won't get hurt.

I cleared my throat and reached for the glass with brown liquor. I swallowed it all at once, furrowing my eyebrows as the alcohol burned down my throat.

I tried to go back to work on my laptop but couldn't help at think why it was so easy to kidnap her. She didn't fight as much as I thought she would, even if she did I still would've taken her away. Granted I've never kidnapped someone before but the few times I've personally had to deal with someone, they would get on their hands and knees begging for mercy.

Did she not care about her family worrying about her? Her friends?

It didn't make much sense to me but maybe I was right and she didn't care, yet again I know nothing about her.

*1 hour later*

I tried my hardest to get some work done and was only half successful. I had sent a couple emails and checked up on the company headquarters back in London but after that I couldn't concentrate.

Angel had gotten up to use the restroom and both times she had to pass by me, she only shot me one glance. She seemed lost in her thoughts and I couldn't help at think what she was personally like.

After a couple minutes of debating it, I got up and walked over to where she was sitting. When she saw me her body stiffened in her chair. I leaned back in the chair across from her, never breaking eye contact. I waited a couple seconds, taking in her beauty.

"Tell me about yourself..." I mentally cursed myself for asking so bluntly.

Her eyes widen at my question, probably not expecting it. She raised her left eyebrow and looked down at her hands.

"Well, what do you want to know?" She looked back up at me and I saw something flash in her eyes. Almost unnoticeable but it looked like sadness to me, a too familiar sadness.

"Whatever gives me an idea of who you are." I said simply.

She barely nodded her head and opened her mouth a couple times to speak but closed it again. It was taking too long for her to answer and I had no patience.

"Anything" I said, clearly annoyed.

She uncomfortably cleared her throat and began, "Right... um well... I'm 18. I live... lived on my own. And this is my first time flying." she giggled and looked out the window. Her dimples, I hadn't had the chance to see before, were showing.

She looked radiant with the sunlight hitting her face through the small window. I felt the urge to smile but I quickly shook my head.

"You lived on your own? Kinda young huh?"

She looked down, seeming uncomfortable by my remark.

She replied, her voice just above a whisper.

"... I didn't have a choice."


I didn't know what else to say after that. It was so strange to talk about it with my kidnapper, not that I was going to spill out my feelings to him though.

It quickly got awkward. Neither one of us said anything after that, we just sat there giving each other quick glances here and there.

The awkward silence was finally broken when Josh came over walked over to inform us that we were about to land.

Josh stepped off the plane first with the rest of us following behind : Harry, me and Grayson.

As we stepped out onto the lot, I looked around at the sun entering the sky indicating that it's still early in the morning. The sight was so beautiful, a dark blue canvas being taken over with soft pinks and yellows.

I would've gotten lost in the sky if it weren't for Grayson who pushed me to keep walking. I rolled my eyes while catching up to Harry as he was making his way towards the car.

He had been dead silent since our little conversation back on the plane. He hadn't said a word to anyone and that frightened me. I wondered why because I hadn't done anything to him... had I?

We finally reached a black range rover. My eyes widen at the presence of the car, I hadn't seen anything like it in person before.

Grayson was making his way over to the drivers seat when Harry stopped him.

"I'll drive." his voice was stern.

Grayson bobbed his head down and slowly walked away, handing Harry the keys in the process. Josh motioned me to follow him to the other side of the car. He opened the door for me to get into the back seat.

He didn't bother glance at me so I kept my head down as I climbed into the back seat. I murmured a thank you and he shut the door. Harry was already waiting in the drivers seat. I strapped my seat belt and he started driving soon after. I looked over at his direction, silence filling the air. Him not saying anything and me being too afraid.

I sighed and leaned my head on hand as I stared out the window. I had been looking at the constantly moving picture of houses and trees outside the window when my mind trailed off to other things.

I began thinking more and more of the nightmare I had earlier. I began to fear that these dreams would start happening more often like they used to. I felt myself get a headache just thinking about the still vivid past.

Maybe that's why I let him take me away so easily. I didn't put up much of a fight with him or the bodyguards. Maybe it's because I don't have anything...

I was grateful that Harry snapped me out of my depressing thoughts.

"We're here." I shot my head up at the sound of his voice.

"Where?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted together.

He waited until we pulled up to the driveway to answer.

"... My house."

A/N :

heyy guys! sorry it took so long for me to update and that this chapter is trash, ops :)


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